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CI. 011 <br /> the administration of the ordinances referenced in Section 2®1 B. <br /> Subject to the remainder of this Section, Chapel Hill shall <br /> administer the referenced ordinances just as if the land were <br /> located within the Town's planning jurisdiction. Administration <br /> shall include but not be limited to the following: <br /> 1. Receipt and processing of applications; <br /> 2. Issuance of any required permits and certificates; <br /> 3. Review and approval of required site/construction plans; <br /> 4® Conducting necessary site/building inspections; <br /> 5. Enforcement of all standards; <br /> 6® Any other acts or things necessary to administer <br /> the Ordinances; <br /> and shall be carried out in manner so as to insure that a <br /> developer complies with all applicable ordinance requirements and <br /> the terms and conditions of any permit issued by Chapel Hill® <br /> Chapel Hill may also charge fees for processing of applications, <br /> conducting site/construction plan reviews and carrying out <br /> site/building inspections in accordance with fee schedules <br /> applicable within its extraterritorial planning jurisdiction® <br /> B. Whenever Chapel Hill receives an application for a <br /> development permit relating to land within the Transition area, <br /> it shall forward copies of the application to the Orange County <br /> Planning Department for review. The Town shall establish <br /> timetables to insure that the Orange County Board of <br /> Commissioners, advisory boards and planning staff have an <br /> opportunity to make recommendations regarding such applications <br /> within the framework of the County's regularly scheduled meeting <br /> dates® To the extent possible, the timetables of the County and <br /> Town shall provide for simultaneous review to expedite <br /> application processing; provided, however, the Town may not vote <br /> to issue or deny a permit until it has received the <br /> recommendations of Orange County or until the expiration of <br /> forty-five (45) days after Orange County has received the <br /> application, whichever comes first. <br /> Section 2®4 Permit Administration in the Rural Buffer <br /> A. Except as otherwise provided in Section 2.6 and <br /> the remaining provisions of this Section, Orange County shall <br /> perform all functions related to the administration of the <br /> ordinances referenced in Section 2®2 in the same manner as if the <br /> land were located outside the Joint Planning Area® <br /> B. Whenever Orange County receives an application for a <br /> development permit relating to land located within the CHJDA <br /> Rural Buffer, it shall forward from the stamped receipt date on <br /> the application to forward five copies of the application to <br /> Chapel Hill for review. In processing an application under this <br /> Section, Orange County shall cooperate with and consider the <br /> recommendations of Chapel Hill, Orange County may not vote to <br /> issue or deny a permit until it has received the recommendations <br /> of Chapel Hill or until the expiration of forty-five (45) days <br /> after Chapel Hill has received the application, whichever occurs <br /> first. <br /> Section 2.5 Enforcement Remedies <br />