Agenda - 10-21-1986
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 10-21-1986
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Last modified
10/17/2016 12:14:57 PM
Creation date
9/26/2016 3:32:56 PM
Meeting Type
Regular Meeting
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TRAVEL IN THE TRIANGLE: CHOICES <br /> • O(k <br /> EXECUTIVE SUMMARY <br /> Now is the time to move ahead with the planning and development of a pub- <br /> lic transportation system for the Research Triangle region. If city and <br /> county governments maintain the interest in and support for public transporta- <br /> tion that this study has created, a workable, though small scale, regional <br /> system can be realized very soon. More importantly, continued planning and <br /> successful initial services will pave the way for a future public transporta- <br /> tion network which will connect the corners of the Triangle. <br /> As the report Travel in the Triangle: Trends has shows, only five major. _ <br /> highway corridors serve the Research Triangle region. At present most of them <br /> are experiencing severe traffic congestion during the rush hours. In 10 to 15 <br /> years all will be experiencing traffic jams even with the constructionnr of ad- <br /> ditional lanes. Clearly additional transportation capacity, beyond that which <br /> is currently planned, must be provided if the region is to continue to grow <br /> without undue traffic impacts. <br /> This additional capacity may be provided entirely by new highways. - Qu. <br /> the other hand, some people may maintain that public transportation is the an- <br /> swer. Realistically, however, both highways and public transportation are <br /> needed., A balanced system of regional highways and public transportation ser- <br /> vies will complement each other and provide increased mobility to the citi- <br /> zens of the region. Inter-city commuters, shoppers, and persons going to Tri- - <br /> angle universities, hospitals, the airport, social services, and other loca- <br /> tions will all benefit. <br /> Before major progress on a regional public transportation system ean► be <br /> made, however, four basic questions must be answered. _ <br /> 1. What role can public transportation play in the future development of <br /> the Triangle region? <br /> 2. Which types of public transportation are appropriate for the, Research <br /> Triangle region? <br /> 3. To what extent can public transportation reduce the need for new high- <br /> way construction? <br /> 4. What steps should be taken by leaders in the Research Triangle area to <br /> develop a regional public transportation system? . <br /> Each of these questions is answered and briefly discussed in the perm <br /> graphs which follow. - <br /> What role can public transportation play in the future development of the Tri- <br /> angle region? <br /> Public transportation has a potentially important role to play. As Is <br /> the case with highways, public transportation can be a catalyst for land use <br /> change. Over the years highways have allowed city boundaries to be pushed <br /> outward and helped create suburbs while maintaining access to jobs. Similarly <br />
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