Orange County NC Website
Sawyer will offer the following services in undertaking the <br /> reservoir feasibility study: a. Preliminary construction layouts will be prepared <br /> for the purposes of establishing the nature and <br /> 1) Hazen and Sawyer will collect and analyze the available quantities of work required. <br /> data for the purpose of determining the initial and <br /> future water requirements for the Northern Orange b. Estimates of land area needs and relocations will <br /> County area. Population and water use projections be developed to the extent possible based on <br /> developed by other governmental agencies will also be available information. <br /> obtained and reviewed to establish a complete data base <br /> for determining future water needs. This portion of C. Preliminary estimates of spillway requirements <br /> the study is very important since it establishes the will be developed based on current North Carolina <br /> safe yield that must be developed from reservoir sites regulations. <br /> evaluated during the feasibility study, and the likely <br /> timing of growth of the water needs. d Preliminary cost estimates Will be developed for <br /> construction, including land acquisition and <br /> 2) Utilizing existing sources , data will be collected est•fmated'annual operation and maintenance cost. <br /> concerning the existing land use features, historic <br /> structures and sites , geology, soils, climatology, e. Based on -information previously developed under <br /> socio-economic characteristics , water and biological Item 2 ) above and on the other projects , a <br /> resources , and point and non-point sources of preliminary assessment of expected environmental F <br /> pollution. Our current familiarity with many of these and socio-economic impacts will be made. <br /> basin characteristics will enhance our technical <br /> evaluation data base. 5) Hazen and Sawyer will determine the most appropriate <br /> site for development of a reservoir to meet the <br /> 3) Using existing topographic information, potential anticipated long-term water supply needs of Orange <br /> reservoir sites in the upper Eno Basin will be County. If it is determined that a combination of <br /> Identified and evaluated. At a minimum, alternatives reservoir projects is advantageous, a recommendation <br /> selected for study will include the Seven Mile Creek will be made for priority of construction. Particular <br /> drainage basin, the expansion of Corporation Lake, and consideration will be given to the extent of present s <br /> sites above the confluence of McGowan Creek and the Eno and near term needs and the expected timing of <br /> River. Evaluation criteria will include the following: development of the long-term need. If possible, a I <br /> step-wise construction program will be developed to <br /> a. Topographic and geophysical characteristics of the l i m i t i n i t i a l a xperid'i tunes and 't'a i for facility <br /> s <br /> site. construction to actual timing of needs. <br /> b, Determination of required storage volume based on 6) A report will be prepared -covering all the above , <br /> low glow hydrologic calculations, aspects of the study. The report discussion will <br /> include consideration of available methods for <br /> C.. Land and building acquisition and required financing, steps and procedures involved in <br /> relocation of highways and roads, implementing a reservoir development plan, and <br /> recommendations for protection of water quality within <br /> d. Drainage area location and characteristics as the reservoir drainage area both before and after <br /> related to present and expected future water construction. <br /> quality and suitabllity for use as a public water <br /> supply. <br /> 4? Based on the evaluation criteria above, a preliminar=y <br /> feasibility assessment will'be made for each potential <br /> reservoir site. For those sites determined feasible, <br /> the following Information will be develoFedr <br /> ' 0 <br /> H <br />