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00E1 <br /> ORANGE COUNTY <br /> BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS <br /> Action Agra <br /> Item No. Li <br /> ACTION AGENDA ITEM ABSTRACT <br /> Meeting Date: SEPTEMBER 16, 1986 <br /> SUBJECT: RESERVOIR SITE COMMITTEE <br /> DEPARTMENT: COUNTY MANAGER PUBLIC HEARING: Yes X No <br /> COMMISSIONERS <br /> ATTACHMENT(S) : INFORMATION CONTACT: Kenneth R. <br /> Thompson X501 and/or DON WILLHOIT <br /> X505 <br /> YES TELEPHONE NUMBER: <br /> Hillsborough - 732-8181 <br /> Chapel Hill - 968-4501 <br /> Mebane - 227-2031 <br /> Durham - 688-7331 <br /> PURPOSE: To establish the committee and set its composition, charge and <br /> timetable for rendering a report. <br /> NEED: The 1986-87 budget provides $60, 000 ($30,000 in Senate Bill 2 <br /> monies and $30, 000 in local match) to pay for engineering <br /> services necessary for selection of a reservoir site. <br /> Previous studies have differed in terms of criteria and con- <br /> clusions as to what constituted the most suitable site for a <br /> new raw-water storage impoundment on the Upper Eno River. <br /> During the 1970s Pridgen Qonsuitants, Inc. in a report to the <br /> Town of Hillsborough, identified a site on Seven Mile Creek as <br /> the highest in priority. The John R. McAdams Company's 1983 <br /> report to the County singled out the West Fork of the Eno as <br /> having the least constraints for water storage. <br /> However, data compiled by the State NRCD Division of Water <br /> Resources suggest that a higher safe yield reservoir could be <br /> obtained for a lower cost (in terms of land acquisition and <br /> dam size) by constructing a larger dam just below the existing <br /> Corporation Lake Dam. This was not pursued because of 1) the <br /> presence of an old mill within the vicinity, 2) restrictive <br /> convenants connected with title to the land, and 3) because of <br /> problems in ownership and financing that would have to be <br /> overcome. <br /> Analysis of this and other sites should be renewed at this <br /> time in order to determine the best site to pursue. Accord- <br /> ingly, it is proposed that a Reservoir Site Committee be esta- <br /> blished and charged with the assistance of an engineer to <br /> accomplish the following: <br /> 1 <br /> r <br />