Agenda - 03-27-2007-5b5
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 03-27-2007
Agenda - 03-27-2007-5b5
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<br />Orange County <br />Environment ~ 1Z.esource Conservation <br />306-A Revere Road / PO Box 8181 <br />Hillsborough, NC 27278 <br />Phone: (919) 245-2590, Fax: (919) 644-3351 <br />The Seven Miie Creek Preserve <br /> <br />TO: Monica Evans, Deputy Clerk to the Board of Commissioners <br />FROM: David Stancil, Environment and Resource Conservation Director <br />DATE: March 1, 2007 <br />SUB7ECT: Recommendation for Appointments to the Historic Preservation Commission <br />Please consider Todd Dickinson and Alice Remini for appointment to the Historic Preservation <br />Commission. Todd Dickinson, one of the Historic Preservation Commission's original <br />members, is eligible to serve on the commission again. Alice Remini is currently serving on <br />the commission and is approaching, the end of her first term. She has maintained good <br />attendance records (see enclosures), is eligible to serve another term, and has agreed to do <br />so. <br />The Historic Preservation Commission participates in the Certified Local Government <br />program. All HPC members must have personal, professional, and organization experience <br />related to historic preservation. Examples of related experience include: restoring or <br />rehabilitating an older house or place of business; involvement in community preservation <br />organizations, historical societies, or other groups working to promote historic preservation; <br />involvement in historic preservation as a .professional architect, historian, architectural <br />historian, archaeologist, landscape architect, planner, anthropologist, curator, <br />conservationist, or folklorist; or other activities that are related to historic preservation. <br />Both candidates meet the requirements for commission membership and reside within Orange <br />County's planning jurisdiction. In addition to his understanding of the history of the HPC, Mr. <br />Dickinson will bring his considerable knowledge of architectural history and historic building <br />technology to the commissian. Cathleen Turner, Executive Director of the Alliance for <br />Historic Hillsborough, first suggested Ms. Remini as a potential candidate for our HPC. The <br />owner of a late nineteenth century farmhouse in Cheeks Township,' Ms. Remini has an <br />academic background in architectural history and should contribute to our ongoing work on <br />the architectural history publication and design guidelines.. Her past work in finance should <br />also be of value as we look to develop new programs to assist local preservation efforts. <br />Unfortunately the other applicants, who have applied for the HPC, do not meet the <br />appropriate criteria. Staff will continue outreach until more qualified candidates are found. <br />Betsy Underwood, whose second term is scheduled to expire March 31st has agreed to <br />continue attending meetings until another member can be appointed. <br />Please convey this to the Board of County Commissioners for their consideration in March.. <br />
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