Orange County NC Website
13 <br /> Schooldesigns.corn web site, Stuart Cramer High School in Gaston County was completed in <br /> 2013 at a cost of roughly 39 million. This facility is larger than the requested renovation size of <br /> Chapel Hill High and accommodates 300 fewer students. Is the difference construction costs <br /> vs. the overall cost of the project, or are there other important differences to explain the large <br /> difference in costs? If a new school costs less, why not build a new school? <br /> • The project in Gaston County was bid in 2011. We do not feel that cost is an accurate <br /> representation of the current local market and a new Chapel Hill High School would <br /> cost significantly more than $52 million. In addition it would be extremely difficult to <br /> build given our limited remaining school sites (none of which are appropriate for a HS) <br /> and that 1500+ students currently attend CHHS. Phasing would be very difficult and <br /> expensive. <br /> 7. How firm are the costs for Chapel Hill High? Could the district representatives please <br /> describe the process, where we are now and what are the next steps? <br /> • The costs are not firm at this time as we have not yet begun design. The design process <br /> will commence later this spring. At the different phases of architectural design (concept <br /> plan, schematic design, and construction documents) professional cost estimates will <br /> be obtained to ensure the project is within our budget estimate. <br /> 8. What is the County's role in funding pre-K?Are pre-K students counted in the ADM?Are <br /> counties in the state legally obligated to provide facilities for pre-K or is this a policy choice that <br /> varies by district? <br /> • Orange County is not required to fund pre-K. <br /> • Pre-K students are not included in our ADM numbers, however their presence in our <br /> schools utilized capacity. <br /> • Counties in NC are not required or obligated to provide PK facilities <br /> • The district must provide pre-K for exceptional children students. Also consider that if we <br /> didn't provide appropriate space for pre-K most of our students receiving Head Start <br /> assistance or NC pre-K would not be served. <br /> A motion was made by Commissioner Burroughs, seconded by Commissioner Rich to <br /> adjourn the meeting at 9:25 p.m. <br /> Donna Baker, Clerk to the Board <br /> Earl McKee, Chair <br />