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10 <br /> Commissioner Dorosin asked if the pre-K project at the Lincoln Center proceeds, will <br /> there be no more pre-K students at other elementary schools. <br /> Todd LoFrese said 20 classrooms are being designated to keep a pre-K at Frank Porter <br /> Graham Elementary School, since it is a dual language program, and perhaps at Carrboro <br /> Elementary for the same reason. <br /> Commissioner Jacobs said he asked Margaret Samuels to attend the meeting since <br /> she had worked in pre-K for years. <br /> Commissioner Jacobs said he read through all the materials and the rationale for <br /> changing the pre-K model. He asked if it is known which portion of the program would be <br /> funded locally. He remembered the conversation from years ago making the case that it is <br /> easier to transfer a pre-K student into an existing elementary school. He asked if the proposed <br /> LC project is better for the teaching staff or for the students. <br /> Margaret Samuels said pre-K is funded in many different ways. She said CHCCS runs <br /> the Head Start grant locally, but OCS runs its program slightly differently. She said as far what <br /> provides a good pre-k experience for a child is a consistent, licensed and trained teacher first <br /> and foremost. She said it would be optimal if there were enough money to put every child in a <br /> pre-K class at their assigned neighborhood school, but this is currently happening with less <br /> than 50% of the pre-K students. <br /> Margaret Samuels said the opportunities that the consolidation offers is that there <br /> would be health services at the Lincoln Center, ratio of teacher to children, programmatic <br /> benefits, and the most important piece is the availability for all of the pre-K teachers to <br /> collaborate, meet, train together, etc. at one site. She said this project is the best compromise <br /> at this time. <br /> Chair McKee referred to the next phase projects and said there is an expectation of <br /> future bonds. He read a portion of the abstract pertaining to Orange County's funds planned <br /> for future new schools. He asked if there could be clarification regarding this. <br /> Todd LoFrese said Phase 1 projects are bond projects. He said CHCCS has requested <br /> that for Phase 2 projects, the District be given access to what was in the CIP last year. He <br /> said the 10-year CIP included funding for elementary school number 12 and a high school <br /> addition at Carrboro High School. He said if these funds could be accessed to complete <br /> Phase 2 projects, then a new elementary school and a high school addition will not be <br /> necessary for quite some time. He said Phase 1 projects will significantly address capacity <br /> issues as well. <br /> Chair McKee asked if SAPFO numbers push out those two projects past the 10-year <br /> mark, what justification would there be to release those funds in year two or three. <br /> James Barrett said these funds were never intended for years two or three. <br /> Chair McKee said if these projects are to be completed over 10 years, then funds would <br /> need to be released in the third year. <br /> Todd LoFrese said a small amount of Phase 2 projects begin in FY 2018-19, but the <br /> majority of these projects are in FY 2020-21. <br /> James Barrett said it is harder for act any sooner, because once the pre-K students are <br /> co-located at the LC, there needs to be some flexibility at the schools in order to move <br /> students around during construction. <br /> Todd LoFrese said every year that passes gets the District a year closer to when a new <br /> school may be needed. He said there is a lull right now, and great strides can be made. <br /> Chair McKee said he is trying to understand the mechanics of these projects. He said <br /> there will be 189 additional seats provided by the LC project, and asked if that will not satisfy <br /> the capacity issues that Phase 2 seeks to address. <br /> Todd LoFrese said it delays the capacity need but not the condition of the schools. <br /> James Barrett said it is a buffer to complete the construction. <br />