Orange County NC Website
AMIMMM <br /> • <br /> _ 044- FORM OF PROPOSAL <br /> AND <br /> NON-COLLUSIVE AFFIDAVIT <br /> 1. The undersigned as Bidder, hereby declares that the only person or <br /> persons interested in this proposal as principal or principals is or <br /> are named herein and that no other person than herein mentioned has any <br /> interest in this proposal or in the contract to be entered into; that <br /> this proposal is made without connection with any other persons, company <br /> or parties making a bid or proposal and that it is in all respects fair <br /> and in good faith without collusion or fraud. <br /> • <br /> 2. The Bidder further declares that he has examined the site of the work and <br /> informed himself fully in regard to all conditions pertaining to the <br /> place where the work is to be done; that he has examined the specifications <br /> of the work and contract documents relative hereto; and has read all special <br /> provisions furnished prior to the openings of the bids; that he has satisfied <br /> himself relative to the work to be performed. <br /> 3. The Bidder further declares that he has received and examined the "Manual <br /> of Accident Prevention in Construction" , Specifications and Bid Letting <br /> Documents of the Orange County Community Development Program and will abide <br /> by these requirements in carrying out the demolition work. <br /> 4. The Bidder proposes and agrees, if this proposal is accepted, to contract <br /> with the Owner, in the form of contract provided, to furnish all necessary <br /> materials, equipment, and machinery, appartus, means of transportation, and <br /> labor necessary to complete the demolition of the dwelling(s) at V+ 4 <br /> CoPt.A.K� r ,tea 1 , (,( < AJC , in full and complete accordance <br /> with plans, specifications; and contract documents , to the full and entire <br /> satisfaction of the County with a definite understanding that no money will <br /> be allowed for extra work' except as set forth in the Contract Documents. <br /> In return for the demolition accomplished pursuant to the contract, the Bidder <br /> will receive the sum of: <br /> P 12-#7 /2-1- 624'4-'4 c1-4479 <br /> BID: • p' o $ / Y <br /> _ _ <br /> DOLLARS ( ) <br /> J <br /> 5. The Bidder further proposes and agrees hereby to commence work on the <br /> date to be specified in the contract and shall fully complete work in a <br /> timely manner. It is further agreed that if the amount of the contract is <br /> increased, the time allowed for completion of the contract will be proportion- <br /> ately increased. <br /> 6. The undersigned Bidder hereby agrees that the County reserves the right to <br /> reject any and all bids when such rejection is in the best interest of the <br /> County, and to award the contract to the lowest responsible Bidder taking into <br /> consideration the past performance of the Bidder, the ability to perform the <br /> work specified, and all other pertinent facts. <br />