Orange County NC Website
ARTICLE 4 DISTRICT STATEMENTS OF INTEREST AND APPLICATION CRITERIA <br /> ORDINANCE REQUIREMENTS <br /> Article 4.2 identifies the <br /> criteria which will normally <br /> be used to determine the <br /> application of a zoning district <br /> designation. The applicatn has <br /> applied for a General Commercial-4 (GC-4) <br /> designation. The criteria for that <br /> district are set forth In Article 4.2. 10 <br /> and are as follows: <br /> 1 . The site is within an area X Yes 'lo The property is located within a L y <br /> designated as either Commercial 1 Yes No <br /> Commercial/Industrial Activity Mode. <br /> or Industrial Transition Activity <br /> Nodes, by the adopted Land Use <br /> Plan, in Eno or Hillsborough <br /> Townships. <br /> 2. Water and sewer mains exist at the X Yes No The City of Purham has indicated an Yes No <br /> site or are to be made available as willingness to extend public water and <br /> part of the development process or -sewer services to the site . The Orange County <br /> the lot size for individual uses are Health Iepartment has approved the on-site <br /> appropriate to the method of water septic system contingent on improvements <br /> supply and sewage disposal. system. to the <br /> 3. All property to be designated for new X Yes No The access road (SR1812) is ma intained <br /> development under this classification by NCDOT for a distance of approximately Yes No <br /> shall have direct access to major 154 feet along the frontage of the property. <br /> collector streets, as designated by This road leads to US 70 which is designated <br /> the adopted Land Use Plan, as an arterial In the Land Use Plan, <br /> 0 <br />