Orange County NC Website
11/1 WHEREAS, the County of Wake and the Towns oP Wendell, Knight- <br /> 2 dale, and Zebulon have recently passed resolutions petitioning the State <br /> 3 of the Little River as WS-1, the strictest degree of water supply <br /> 4 protection available understate law; and,, <br /> 5 WHEREAS, Orange County is located' on a major interstate high-- <br /> 6 way corridor. that would probably be used in transportation of High Level <br /> 7 Nuclear Waste to the repository, and technology of"safe" containers has <br /> 8 -not yet been proven for transportation of nuclear waste; and <br /> 9 - WHEREAS, the Governor of North Carolina and Secretary of <br /> 10 Natural Resources and Community Development oppose the siting of a <br /> 11 nuclear waste repository anywhere in the state; <br /> 12 NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Orange. County Commis-- <br /> 13sioners of the State of North Carolina oppose in the strongest possible <br /> lbterms the location of a high level nuclear waste repository in the <br /> - 15Rolesville Pluton study area. <br /> 16 . <br /> 17 Motion was made,by Commissioner Carey, seconded by Commissioner <br /> 16 Marshall to approve the resolution as stated above. <br /> 19 VOTE: UNANIMOUS. <br /> 20 <br /> 21c. MINUTES <br /> 22 Motion Was made by Commissioner Marshall, seconded by Commissioner <br /> 23 Lloyd to approve the February 18, 1986 minutes as corrected. <br /> 24VOTE: UNANIMOUS. <br /> 25 Motion was made by Commissioner Carey, seconded by Commissioner <br /> 26 Lloyd to approve the March 5, 1986 minutes as corrected. <br /> VO TE: UNANIMOUS. <br /> a g - <br /> 29 D. PUBLIC HEARINGS - <br /> 30 iggil. LOCKRIDGE COMMUNITY- PLANNED DEVELOPMENT AMENDMENT <br /> 31 Planner Susan Smith presented for receipt of public comment <br /> 32 proposed amendments to the approved Planned Unit Development plan for <br /> 33Lockridge Community which is located on both sides of Turkey Farm Road <br /> 3bnorth of New Hope Creek in Chapel Hill Township. <br /> 35 The applicant is requesting an amendment to the approved site <br /> 36 plan for designation of one new lot in Section B and the provision of <br /> 37areas within the common lands within Sections A and B for the <br /> 38establishment of a cemetery, community center, playground, pool, tractor <br /> 39 shed, animal shelter, garden shed and studios/workshops. They are also <br /> 1t0requesting a number of changes in the names of roads serving the <br /> i1 development. <br /> 42 Approval of the requested changes will allow for the <br /> '3development of community facilities desired by the membership of the <br /> 44Lockridge Community. Approval of the designation of an additional lot is <br /> 45 required before subdivision review can proceed and a residential building <br /> 26 permit issued. <br /> 47 The Planning Staff, in accordance with Article 7 PLANNED <br /> - �+8DEVELOPMENTS Section 7.8 Changes in Approved Final Plans of the 1981 <br /> )49 Zoning Ordinance, recommends approval of the requested amendments to the <br /> 50 approved planned unit development site plan. <br /> 51 <br /> r :' THERE BEING NO FURTHER COMMENTS, THE HEARING WAS CLOSED. <br /> Motion was made by Commissioner Carey, seconded by Commissioner <br /> 55Marshall to approve the Planning Staff's recommendation. <br /> 56 VOTE: UNANIMOUS. <br />