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- 0 0 <br /> ' VI. 'HOW DO THE SPENDING CUTS WORK? <br /> A.. AFFECTED PROGRAMS CUT Atr'ROSS—THE—BOARD BY-A UNIFORM PERCENTAGE <br /> B. 1/2 OF CUTS FROM DEFENSE <br /> C. 1/2 OF CUTS FROM NON—DEFENSE <br /> D. EXCEPTIONS TO GRAMM—RUDMAN—HOLLINGS AUTOMATIC CUTS <br /> • Table 2 <br /> ..Fiscal 987 Sequestration Process: - - <br /> • "Where the Cuta Wovld Fall* • - - • <br /> Enid 1987** Fuca!19 <br /> Social Security - $210 21% <br /> Interest on the national debt 150 15 <br /> Bander sepriorlmaremaniiments 78 8 <br /> Lcweincome programs*** 61 6 <br /> . Unemployment compensation 20 2 <br /> Veterans'pensions and 15 2 <br /> Witting receipts. -42 —4 <br /> $492. - *0% <br /> Programs facing Iii nited mas <br /> . Prior-year defense contracts . $100 10% <br /> Health programs 86 9 <br /> Retirement programs with COLAs 48 5 <br /> Total facing limited cuts $234 <br /> - 24% <br />''s left? <br /> Domestic proms ma 2 90 9% <br /> Defense programs 174 17% <br /> Total what's left? $264 26% <br /> Total fiscal 1987 budget $990 - 100% <br /> *The figures for fiscal 1987 ere estimates-They do not represent the actual numb-em <br /> contained in the President's budget proposal. <br /> **Numbers may not add to totals due to rounding. <br /> ***Medicaid; aid to families with dependent children;special supplemental feed- <br /> ing program for women, infants, and children; supplemental security income;food <br /> stamps.and child nutrition. <br /> E. NO PROGRAM CAN BE ELIMINATED <br /> F. ELIGIBILITY REQUIREMENTS FOR BENEFITS CANNOT BE CHANGED <br /> (YET WHILE ELIGIBILITY FOR BENEFITS REMAINS, THE SERVICE MAY NOT BE PROVIDED) <br />