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006 <br /> History and Philosophy 0 <br /> y o <br /> Historical Background 1. We are concerned about relationships 6 11 <br /> between parents and children. We feel that C-) <br /> In March of 1970, several members of children need many adult models, many <br /> the Church of Reconciliation in Chapel Hill p laces where they feel at home in order to ezl <br /> � <br /> began to meet informally to discuss ways to learn to deal with and understand the multi- 0 <br /> develop community and to share tools for tude of lifestyles they will meet in the <br /> dealing with being alive today. The group world. <br /> members were mostly in their late 20s or . 2. We are concerned that children have 1. <br /> early 30s. Most were married or had been communities of peers outside the nuclear <br /> married. Most had children. The discussions family. i <br /> continued on a weekly basis, each time in a 3. We feel that adults, too, need many .s <br /> different member's home, usually over a levels of friendship with other adults of both <br /> potluck dinner. In time, the group expanded sexes. <br /> to include people from outside the Church. 4. We are concerned about the loneli- <br /> The group was seeking ways to live ness of people. We hope that each of us can <br /> together creatively, constructively, and realis- participate in the lives of children and fam- <br /> _ <br /> tically. They wanted their children to grow ilies naturally and spontaneously. <br /> up healthy, whole, and joyously embracing 5. We are concerned about the <br /> the complexity of life. As they viewed the duplication of possessions. Items like food III <br /> apparent dysfunction of the institutions of freezers, laundry equipment, cars, books, . ,; <br /> marriage, family, and community; there television sets, and garden equipment could Mil <br /> seemed to be a need for renewal of these be used with greater stewardship. <br /> institutions and for fresh approaches and 6. We are concerned about the needs of <br /> alternatives. The group hoped to develop a our larger community. We seek to pool our �' <br /> new form of community that would allow resources for understanding, for support and �• <br /> for creative life together and would mini- for action. <br /> mize the destructive elements of living in 7. We are concerned about being <br /> Ili- <br /> relationship with one another. isolated from the needs of the community at <br /> For two years the search for land on large by our work. We need to share inputs _ <br /> which to build a physical and spiritual corn- from our separate work worlds, to exchange x <br /> munity went forward. There were false starts information about points of need in the <br /> stem, and to become a community of -= <br /> and disappointments. Finally, in the summer system, <br /> of 1973, the availability of the Lockhart support for each person as he participates in <br /> property became known. Nine families a work environment. <br /> agreed to come into the initial community We want a community where there is <br /> and provide funds for the down payment on playfulness, drama, and celebration. 1 <br /> the land. We now have possession of a house It is our desire that our community _" <br /> and 57 acres of land with an option to buy include as many different kinds of people as :va_ <br /> 35 more acres. possible — professional people with families, <br /> On our beautiful land we are trying to single young people engaged in subsistence <br /> develop a caring community of adults and living, retired people, for example. We place <br /> children who affirm one another and the a high priority on maintaining an interracial <br /> nature that surrounds us. community. Since not everyone has the <br /> We have come together not to pursue desire or the means to own a house, we <br /> "goals" as they are commonly thought of, hope to be able to provide opportunities for <br /> but to engage in process because we share individuals to rent on a long or a short-term — <br /> certain concerns and assumptions about life. basis. <br />