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roads rated 11 to 50 the property owners cost would-be <br /> increased by 1 .25% for each priority rating level . For <br /> example : Priority #2-10- 50%, #11-51 .25%, #20-62 .5%, <br /> #30- 75%, #40- 87.5%, #50 and above- 100%. <br /> II . Diacllaaian <br /> A. Land_Uze_and_Eulalin_aarmiag <br /> 1 . Fire ponds are important factors in Public Safety and <br /> are not recognized in the existing Priority Rating <br /> System. Though a fire pond may be used only <br /> infrequently, when needed it ' s use will be repeated. In <br /> inclement weather the heavier tanker trucks will cause <br /> rapid deterioration of an unpaved road. This could <br /> possibly lead to a slowdown, or stoppage in the delivery <br /> of water to a fire site. Though we feel that most First <br /> Aid or Rescue Facilities in North Carolina are located <br /> on paved roads , we considered that the Priority Rating <br /> System might allow 10 - 25 points for each fire pond <br /> or first aid facility. Both cases were evaluated. The <br /> results appear in III , Evaluation. <br /> B. Ttaiiia_Qhataaittiaiiga <br /> 1 . The existing Priority Rating System awards ten points <br /> for each road that is used by school buses . The <br /> committee considered that the points awarded should be <br /> proportionate to the total number of buses that use the <br /> road since the level of risk to public safety is <br /> proportionate to the number of buses . Two approaches <br /> were evaluated . The results appear in III , Evaluation. <br /> 2 . The types of vehicles using a road should also be <br /> considered in the assignment of priorities . This <br /> question is not dealt with formally by the committee in <br /> this recommendation, and is mentioned here as a request <br /> for some guidance from the Board of Commissioners . <br /> Sand , stone , and gravel quarries/pits , and logging <br /> operations abound in North Carolina, and are usually <br /> located in a remote area served by unpaved roads . These <br /> trucks represent both an increased road hazard and a <br /> more difficult maintenance task. As a result , the use <br /> of the roads by residents is at greater risk. Paving <br /> would surely reduce the hazard level . The committee <br /> feels that the Commissioners need to address this issue <br /> because the enforcement of speed , loading, and truck <br /> access restrictions become more formidable with the <br /> paving of these roads . <br /> C. Saanatai_Hauie_Chataciatiaiiaa <br /> 1 . Another area that the Committee has touched upon is that <br /> of the quality of the unpaved road, and it ' s assignment <br /> of a priority for paving. it would seem logical that an <br /> unpaved road which has many turns , changes in grade , <br />