Orange County NC Website
04� <br /> HOLLY MEADOWS — SECTION TWO PRELIMINARY PAGE 2 <br /> FEBRUARY 3 , 1986 <br /> IMPACT: Development of this subdivision would have minimal impact on <br /> the area . <br /> The projected traffic generation for this subdivision is <br /> approximately 40.2 (6 .7 trips x 6 Lots) trips per day . <br /> According to the Department of Transportation , the 1984 (most <br /> current) traffic count is 100 for SR 1144 which was determinjed <br /> from the west side of SR 1143. <br /> RECOMMENDATION : The Planning Board recommends approval of this subdivision <br /> contingent upon the following conditions : <br /> 1 ) name of the owner(s) be indicated on the plat , <br /> 2) total acreage of the tract be indicated on the plat , <br /> 3) approval from NCDOT on site distance (see attached letter <br /> which was received on 1-28-86) . <br />