Orange County NC Website
Q3` <br /> C. OTHER SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS : <br /> 1 . Twenty—six (26) copies of the preliminary plat <br /> 2. Two fuLL size copies copies of an Orange County Tax map (one copy with i!ax <br /> parcels involved clearly marked) . <br /> 3. Where municipalL or OWASA sewer is not avai labLe, a Letter from the Orange <br /> County HeaLth Department certifying the proposed wastewater system for <br /> each Lot. <br /> I , the appLicant, hereby certify that the foregoing appLication is complete and <br /> accurate. I understand that a $210.00 fee (subdivisions of 15 Lots or Less) <br /> or a $370 .00 fee (subdivisions of 16 Lots or more) is due at the time of <br /> appLication . A $5.00 per Lot fee is due at the time the finaL plat is <br /> presented for recordiation . <br /> Harry L. Wilson Harry L. Wilson <br /> APPLICANT 'S SIGNATURE OWNER 'S SIGNATURE <br /> 1/17/86 1/17/86 <br /> DATE DATE <br /> • <br /> FEES: Amount $210.00 Date Paid 1-15-86 Receipt 10464 <br />