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benefits are needed so that women could become more independent. Thi5 <br /> s <br /> study evaluated how the fringe benefits of today meet the needs of <br /> today. <br /> Verla Insko listed the five recommendations: <br /> (1) A copy of the report with a covering letter should be sent <br /> to the 220 originally surveyed Orange County employers and to other <br /> county employers who could use the report to evaluate their own employee <br /> benefit package. Employers should be urged to (1.) consider a cafeteria- <br /> style approach and (2) survey their employees if necessary to obtain <br /> information on which benefits are needed but not offered. <br /> (2) A copy of this report should be sent to the North <br /> Carolina Legislative Study Commission reviewing cafeteria style benefits <br /> for state employees. <br /> (3) Employees of Orange County government should be surveyed <br /> to determine the need for additional benefits and the feasibility of a <br /> cafeteria-style approach. <br /> (4) The Orange County Board of Commissioners should form an <br /> intergovernmental task force charged to determine, through a survey or <br /> other appropriate means, the need for cafeteria style benefit plans. <br /> (5) The Commission for Women and the Orange County Board of <br /> Commissioners, at an appropriate time, should sponsor for the public and <br /> private sector a forum on the cafeteria-style fringe benefit concept. <br /> Motion was made by Commissioner Marshall, seconded by <br /> Commissioner Carey to adopt the report requesting that the Commission <br /> for Women address the first two recommendations as soon as possible, <br /> address recommendation three during the 1986-87 Fiscal Year and look at <br /> the possibility of including the forum in their budget for 86-87 and <br /> that recommendation five not be addressed until the forum is completed. <br /> VOTE: UNANIMOUS. <br /> A discussion was held on recommendation four and five and it <br /> was decided that Verla Insko and the County Manager would bring back to <br /> the Board for further consideration a charge for the task force for <br /> further consideration. <br /> F. ITEMS FOR DECISION-CONSENT AGENDA <br /> The County Manager recommended the following action by the Board: <br /> 1. ABANDONMENT OF SR 1547 - BRADSHER ROAD <br /> To approve a petition for abandonment of . 14 miles of SR1547 <br /> Bradsher Road and forward to NCDOT. <br /> 2 . ANNUAL NCDOT CONSTRUCTION STATEMENT 1985 <br /> To accept the status report on the 1985 Secondary Road <br /> Construction projects which indicates the nature of the improvements, <br /> stage of completion and funds expended for each project. <br /> 3. ADDITION TO SECONDARY ROAD SYSTEM <br /> To receive and approve a secondary road addition petition for <br /> Maple Avenue serving the Lucius M. Cheshire subdivision and forward <br /> recommendation to NCDOT. <br /> 4. RESCHEDULING PUBLIC HEARING FOR CLOSURE OF A PORTION OF OLD <br /> CEDAR GROVE ROAD <br /> To reschedule the public hearing date to receive public <br /> comment on the closure of a portion of Old Cedar Grove Road to February <br /> 18, 1986. <br />