Orange County NC Website
r I <br /> The remaining area designated for Rural Residential <br /> development is, the Southern Triangle area in the extreme <br /> southeastern portion of the County . The area drains to the <br /> southeast toward Jordan Lake and is beyond the ridge line of the <br /> Morgan Creek balsin , an area which can be served by gravity sewer <br /> lines . The Southern Triangle is also characterized by <br /> environmental Constraints such as steep slopes , flood plains and <br /> soils with poor stability , so low—density development is <br /> projected . <br /> There are approximately 7 ,191 acres of land designated for <br /> Rural Residential purposes in the Land Use Plan . If developed at <br /> an average density of one dwelling unit per two acres , the <br /> holding capacity of the area in terms of dwellings is 3 , 595 . If <br /> multiplied by the 1980 Census figure for population per household <br /> ( 2.6 ) , the estimated population would be 9 , 348 . <br /> Suburban Residential . The second category of residential <br /> land is Suburban Residential and includes duplexes , apartments , <br /> condominium and' projects , and single—family homes on <br /> smaller lots . Areas designated as Suburban Residential are <br /> Located in the Transition area where land is in the process of <br /> changing from rural to urban , that are suitable for urban—type <br /> densities and should be provided with public utilities and <br /> services . Housing densities in the Suburban Residential category <br /> would range from two to five units per acre . <br /> The majority of land designated for Suburban Residential <br /> is situated in Ithe Bolin Creek drainage basin north of Carrboro <br /> and Chapel Hill . Gravity sewer lines can be extended from <br /> existing lineslto the south to service the area without a need <br /> for sewage pump stations . The Suburban or medium—density <br /> residential areas provide a step—down between higher densities to <br /> the south and lower density Rural Residential areas to the north . <br /> Such areas have ', also been located where stable soils exist , <br /> slopes range from 7-1/2 to 15 percent and tree cover is present . <br /> There are an estimated 3 , 037 acres of Land designated <br /> on the Land Use Plan for Suburban Residential purposes . If <br /> developed at anlaverage density of two dwelling units per acre , <br /> the holding capacity of the area would be 6 , 074 dwelling units . <br /> Using the 1980 Census figure for population per household ( 2 .6 ) , <br /> the estimated population in Suburban Residential areas would be <br /> 15 ,792. <br /> Urban Residential . This category includes housing types <br /> identical to those found in Suburban Residential areas . However , <br /> densities are higher , ranging from six to thirteen units per <br /> acre . Land in the Urban Residential category is also located in <br /> Transition areas where public utilities and services are <br /> projected . <br /> Areas designated for Urban Residential development include <br /> the following : <br /> 68 <br />