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Nearly all respondents recognized some problem(s) with the existing road <br /> system with the amount of traffic , size and location of roads getting' <br /> the most mention . Most comments mentioned the problem of residential <br /> streets being used as collectors . The fustration of using U .S . Highway <br /> 15-501 and N .C . 54 to "bypass" downtown traffic was noted vary <br /> frequently . However , respondents also indicated overwhelmingly that <br /> when the objective of neighborhood preservation conflicts with traffic <br /> efficiency, neighborhood conservation should prevail . <br /> Overall , 56% of the respondents consider the projections of potential <br /> future population totals for Chapel HILL Township and Two to be either <br /> too high or acceptable . Favored densities of new development range from <br /> a minimum Low density of one unit/acre to a maximum density of five <br /> units/acre . An overwhelming majority of the respondents also indicated <br /> that changes in residential Land use ( either higher density or different <br /> Land uses) should be changed only by a majority vote of the governing <br /> body after signatures (of approval) have been received from the owners <br /> of the directly affected properties and properties in, the vicinity . <br /> Foxm_of__ Urban Development : Respondents were split on whether urban <br /> development should be constrained geographically , creating a more <br /> compact urban form , 53% Yes and 30% No . They also split on their <br /> preference for the design of residential communities of uniform type and <br /> density , while 35% endorsed mixtures of Low, medium , and high density <br /> residential uses with smell scale commercial areas . <br /> Location and„_T,y_ges _ of L, n�. d Uses : The three options offered in the <br /> questionnaire for the Location 'of commercial Land uses were endorsed by <br /> an equal number of respondents . A total of 21 persons indicated Larger <br /> commercial centers downtown and along major highways as their <br /> preference, while 24 persons chose the same with moderate size centers <br /> along major roads in outlying areas . Twenty—two persons preferred the <br /> development of larger commercial centers downtown with moderate size <br /> centers along major roads in outlying areas , and small centers at <br /> intersections in major neighborhoods . <br /> An overwhelming majority of respondents indicated that areas for <br /> commercial Land uses should be designated in Chapel Hill and the JPA <br /> prior to these areas being developed , and commercial development then <br /> Limited to those areas for a planning period of 10 to 20 years . <br /> Location of industrial land uses received a split response . Just over <br /> 34% of the respondents indicated a preference for Locating industrial <br /> Land uses in Large industrial centers along major highways outside the <br /> Joint Planning Area . The development of such centers outside of Town <br /> but inside the JPA received approximately the same support (by 17% of <br /> the respondents) as developing the same with moderate size centers <br /> Located in Town along major roads . <br /> There was overwhelming support expressed for the designation and <br /> reservation of recreational areas and parks in Chapel Hill and the JPA <br /> by government purchase (through bond referendums) or, in certain areas , <br /> a prohibition of development . <br /> 54 <br />