Orange County NC Website
1980 Summer Recreation/Nutrition Program <br /> in Northern Craw County <br /> in the Spring of 1970, the Board of County Commissioners <br /> requested that the Orange County Human Services Advisory Commission <br /> study and make recommendations on the summer recreation and <br /> nutrition needs of the County's children. A special committee <br /> was appointed which found that significant groups of the County's • <br /> children were underserved by existing programs. After studying the <br /> committee's report, the HSAC recommended in May, 1980, that the <br /> Commissioners allocate $8,000 in scholarship funds to be shared <br /> between the agencies in northern Orange County. The Commissioners <br /> voted for the allocation with the added stipulation that the <br /> funds be available to all children in the County. Eligibility for <br /> schelarships would be limited to children from AFDC-eligible <br /> families certified by DSS and reimbursement would be handled by <br /> through the County Manager's office. <br /> By the end of the 1980 summer recreation season, reports from <br /> the Manager's office indicated that only about $1500 of the total <br /> allocation had been spent. A( second study was conducted by Bill <br /> Woodward, consultant to the HSAC, to determine the reazons for the <br /> low utilization. The study was based on interviews with seven <br /> administrative and program staff from three northern Orange agencies, <br /> and included budgetary and historical background. The major <br /> findings were: <br /> 1. The scholarship program failed because it was directed <br /> towards the wrong population, because the reimbursement procedures <br />