Orange County NC Website
Carolina 11/1! North <br /> Department of Administration <br /> 116 West Jones Street Raleigh 27611 <br /> James B.Hunt,Jr.,Governor Arnold <br /> Joseph��{]dn�u�vSecretary Deputy~ —~=`" for Policy Management <br /> Division of Policy Development <br /> May 4, 1981 <br /> TO: Anne Barnes <br /> FROM: Peggy Pollizter, Chairman, HSAC <br /> SUBJECT: Summer Recreation, Education, Nutrition Programs <br /> The Human Services Advisory Commission has recommended that the key public <br /> providers of recreation-education-nutrition programs be given an opportunity <br /> to provide extra summer services especially to poor school age children during <br /> the coming summer. Eligible private groups should have a similar nppnrtunity. <br /> For example, Pine Knolls Community Center made as much use of the 1980 funds ^ <br /> as all other agencies combined. At least $2000 ought to be earmarked for all <br /> private groups combined. <br /> HSAC would really like to see coordination of efforts among the recreation de- <br /> partments, the schools, JOCCA and the private groups. While they ought to be <br /> given thW-flexibility they need to carry out their prngrnms HSAC is more <br /> interested in the kind of coordination begun last summer. ��e can not afford <br /> duplication, competition and waste. We would like to ^ ^ <br /> of the several agencies: <br /> ^ see the representatives <br /> 1) agree to plan together and cooperate; <br /> • <br /> 2) serve children in sites not unreasonably close to one <br /> another; <br /> 3) keep records of children served who would not have been served <br /> without funds; and <br /> 4) account for the funds in providing recreation, education or nutrition <br /> programs for school age children, generally from low-income backgrounds. <br /> Against this background, HSAC is endorsing up to $2000 each in county funds <br /> for the agencies willing to buy into the described format. <br /> HSAC is not recommending over $14,000 for those purposes. <br /> Attached find a summary of the background material supporting our recnmmendutipn <br /> Also you will find a copy of brief outlines of the kinds of programs that these ` <br /> monies could buy. <br /> HSAC is prepared to facilitate the on-going coordination for this project. <br /> � <br />