Orange County NC Website
06 <br /> r UI!: <br /> Request for Space for a Day Care Center in the <br /> Cedar Grove Multipurpose Center <br /> The Cedar Grove community and the entire northern end, of the county has wanted <br /> and needed. a day care center for many years. Headstart does not meet the needs <br /> of wOrrl'ing parents because of its limited hours of operation and it's strict <br /> eligibility requirements. In addition, there is no care for children under three <br /> years of age. <br /> For the last several months a group of cormunity people have been meeting to co- <br /> oreinate the activities necessary to make the day care center a reality. Commit <br /> tees have been formed to work on outreach and earollnPnt, fundraising, and the <br /> development of goals, policies, end. procedures. The center would livrP to <br /> begin in September with five infants, sin toddlers, ten twos and threes, and <br /> twelve three to five year olds who would participate in Eead.start when it was in <br /> operation and come to the center other times such as Mondays, after 2:00, and in <br /> the summer. <br /> In order for the group to Proceed with its efforts to raise money and, orgPnize <br /> the center, space in the multipurpose builtiAng must be secured. The day care <br /> center will need two larger classrooms to meet its needs. These rooms need to be <br /> in good repair and have sinks and toilets. One room must have hot water because <br /> babies will be cared for in the center. The community has set a goal of $3,775 <br /> to fundraise to start the center. This does not include any cost for renovating <br /> the space needed (see enclosed start-um budget). There is little possibility that <br /> the center can raise more than thiS initial $3,775. Therefore, we are making a <br /> request for two rooms in the Cedar Grove NUItipurpose Center for the Cedar Grove <br /> day care center. lie also request, that the county assume the costs of renovating <br /> these rooms to meet the health, fire, and building standards that would allow the <br /> center to open in September. <br />