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7.14.1 PD-11 Districts: Where Permitted; Intent Concerning Timing <br /> PD-H districts may hereafter be established in accordance with <br /> the general procedures and requirements set forth in Sections <br /> 7.4 - 7.9 previously mentioned, and with intensities and in <br /> locations in accordance with the Comprehensive Plan and the <br /> ZOng Atlas.14:CLICAOICH-J nti.0=Q-L-24 ser-Fct -}k 1 tJ <br /> LE. -11)12.71ii •42.100 4:11 -77--1 Cj . <br /> With respect to timing of development of particular PD <br /> districts, it is intended that, in addition to other policies <br /> and limitations set forth in this ordinance, consideration <br /> shall be given to general housing needs in Orange County as <br /> a whole, the sector in which development is proposed, and the <br /> need for particular types of housing. In such consideration, <br /> due weight shall be given to availability of existing housing <br /> supply of types for which there is evident need in view of <br /> the age structure and economic structure of the population, <br /> and to the amount and types of potential housing under building <br /> permits issued and approved plans for development. <br /> 7.14.2 peran.mitteAnAccessory Uses And Structures <br /> a) Permitted Principal uses and structures shall be according to <br /> Article 4, for the applicable residential district.. <br /> b) Permitted Accessory Uses and Structures <br /> Uses and structures which are customarily accessory and <br /> clearly incidental to permitted principal uses and structures, <br /> including, in a multi-family building or closely-related <br /> complex of multi-family buildings having a total of at least <br /> fifty dwelling units, establishments for sale of convenience <br /> goods, eating and drinking establishments, and professional <br /> and personal service establishments, provided that the floor <br /> area occupied by all such establishments shall not total an <br /> amount equal to ten percent of the residential floor area <br /> of such milti-family building (or complex) . Except where <br /> establishments adjoin and are oriented toward shopping <br /> centers permitted under Subsection C, they shall be designed <br /> • <br /> and scaled to meet only the requirpm41nts of occupants and <br /> their guests; there shall be no evidence of the existence <br /> of such establishments from any street. <br /> 6111•1114MIA OF 300 D5A(ourtouip,..&'6: 7,te.i75) <br /> c) Uses and Structures Permissible in Large PD-a Districts sci2 Divrcyjc,r) <br /> hp4C31-larth.T064"-.) <br /> In addition to the principal and accessory uses and 4Criq1i1'Nidcs• <br /> structures permitted above, facilities planned for develop- <br /> ment as part of the district, internally oriented and serving <br /> needs not otherwise served in the general area, iiay be per- <br /> mitted by the Board of Commissioners as part of PD-H amend- <br /> ments for districts which will have sufficient population <br /> to support them as follows: <br /> • <br />