Orange County NC Website
8.8 T2gu1ations Governing Individual Special Uses <br /> The regulations for each Class A and Class B Special Use are te" <br /> divided generally into two sections: the first consists of <br /> additional and specific components of the application beyond <br /> those necessary to comply with Section 8.6, while the second kk, <br /> consists of the specific standards which are supplementary <br /> to he general standards in section 8,2 and to the required <br /> conditions in Subsection 8.4.7. <br /> 8.8.1 Extraction Of Earth Products (Class A Special Use) <br /> Extraction of Earth Products. Extraction of eart.from•o geir <br /> oreiin. it not :ncluch■ y r'. assine o <br /> s • snd j nta -cha o s. ida .n <br /> • or -o ti‘g o fa.41i--te -so to h= sit- p- <br /> 0 - loca. 1rn of fu - -r41P•cesse <br /> Additional Information <br /> • ' <br /> In addition to the information required by Subsection (1.2 the followil <br /> shall be submitted as part of the application. <br /> a) Three copies of Site Plan, prepared by a North Carolina <br /> registered land survey or engineer, which shall Contain <br /> the following: <br /> 1) North point, scale and date. <br /> 2) Extent of area to be excavated or mined. <br /> 3) Location, width and elevation of all easements and rights- <br /> of-;way within or adjacent to extraction site. <br /> 4) Location of all existing or proposed structures on site. <br /> 5) Location of all areas on the site subject to flood hazard <br /> or inundation as shown by the presence of alluvial soils. <br /> 6) Location of all water courses on the site, including <br /> direction of flow and normal fluctuation of flow. <br /> 7) Existing topography at a contour interval of two feet <br /> based on mean sea level datum. <br /> 8) Proposed handling and storage areas for overburden, by- <br /> products and excavated materials. <br /> 9) Proposed fencing, screening and gates; parking, service and <br /> other areas. <br /> 10) Any areas proposed for ponding_ <br /> 11) Access roads to the site, as well as on-site roads, with indication <br /> surface treatment to limit dust. Sight distances on all roads used <br /> for access to the site. <br /> b) An Operations Plan which shall include: <br /> 1) The date proposed to commence operations and thbir expected <br /> duration. <br /> 2) Proposed hours and days of operation. <br /> I <br /> 8-7 <br /> ,1 <br />