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7.5.2 Preliminary Review Of Application As Submitted <br /> On receipt of the application and preliminary concept plan <br /> and detailed proposals as indicated previously, the Zoning <br /> Officer shall cause a study to be made by qualified. repre- <br /> sentatives of the County and such other agencies or officials <br /> as appear appropriate in the circumstances of the case to <br /> determine conformity with the Comprehensive Plan, and to <br /> zoning, and subdivision regulations, soil erosion and sedi- <br /> mentation regulations, as well as the specific regulations <br /> and standards related to specific classes of PD districts <br /> contained in this article, applicable in the case. <br /> 7.5.3 Preliminary Conferences With Applicant <br /> Following such study, unless complete conformity is found, <br /> the applicant shall be notified in writing of discrepancies, <br /> and of the willingness of the Zoning Officer to confer for <br /> the purpose of assisting in bringing the material submitted, <br /> as nearly as possible, into conformity with requirements and/ <br /> or to define specifically the modification(s) of regulations <br /> or of the Comprehensive Plan which seem justified in view of <br /> equivalent service of public purposes by the proposal. <br /> If the applicant does not desire to participate in such <br /> conferences, the Zoning Officer shall base the report to <br /> the Planning Board and Board of County Commissioners on the <br /> application as received. <br /> • . If the applicant joins in such conferences, changes may be <br /> made in the original proposal, further conferences may be <br /> held, and additional material may be requested to guide in <br /> determinations. <br /> If the applicant joins in such conferences, the normal thirty <br /> day period, specified for Planning Board study of amendments, <br /> shall be waived by the applicant, so that sufficient time may <br /> be available for the conferences. <br /> In the course of such preliminary conferences recommendatius <br /> for changes shall be recorded in writing along with the re ons <br /> therefore, and shall become part of the record in the case. <br /> Applicants shall indicate, in writing, their disagreement and <br /> the reasons therefore; such response by applicants shall also <br /> be included in the record. <br /> 7.5.4 Zonin. Officer's Recommendations <br /> At such time as further conferences appear unnecessary, or <br /> at any time on request of the applicant, the Zoning Officer <br /> shall prepare a written report to the Planning Board and Board <br /> of County Commissioners, containing following findings: <br />