Orange County NC Website
7.4.1 Relation To Ma'or Transe.rtation Facilities <br /> PD districts shall be so located with respect to expressways, <br /> arterial and collector streets or mass transit facilities, <br /> and shall be so designed as to provide direct access to such <br /> districts without creating traffic along minor streets in <br /> residential neighborhoods outside the district. <br /> 7.4.2 Relation To Public Utilities, Facilities And Services <br /> PD districts shall be so located in re tion to sanitary sewers, <br /> waterlines, storm and surface drainage systems and other utili- <br /> ties systems and installations that neither extension nor en- <br /> largement of such systems will be required in manner, form, <br /> character, location, degree, scale or timing in a manner re- <br /> sulting in higher net public cost or earlier incursion of <br /> public cost than would development in forms generally permitted <br /> under current zoning and development policies for the area. <br /> Pia districts shall be so located with re •- t to necessary prIbliC5erVICI <br /> POGIC=FIZGreCr <br /> aod facilities (as for exampl- , schools, parks and play- <br /> grounds in the case of PD 41 Planned Development Housing <br /> districts) as to have access to such facilities in the same <br /> degree as would development permitted under existing zoning <br /> and shall be so located, designed and scaled that access to <br /> public services is equivalent to, and net cost for such services <br /> is not greater than, access and net costs for public services <br /> for development as permitted under existing development as <br /> controls. <br /> However, if applicants will (a) provide private facilities, <br /> utilities and services approved by appropriate public agencies <br /> as substituting on an equivalent basis, and assure their sat- <br /> isfactory continuing operation, permanently or until similar <br /> public utilities, facilities or services are available and <br /> used, or (b) make provisions acceptable to the County for off- <br /> setting any added net public cost Or early commitment of public <br /> funds made necessary by such development, location of the PD <br /> districts may be approved. <br /> In computing net public costs, difference in anticipated <br /> public installation, operation and maintenance costs and <br /> differences in anticipated public revenue shall be considered. <br /> Expenses involved in making such determinations shall be <br /> paid by the applicants. Determinations shall be made by the <br /> County or by experts acceptable to the County. <br />