Orange County NC Website
,en it states that "the land. . . . which ( it is proposed) <br /> to thvelop an airport ad I *ustrial park C . no time has) <br /> been c ,ssified or reg de* as suitable or desr, *le for <br /> either of these t' • uses . " <br /> We und- and that , to the contrar , airports are now <br /> permitte* and a. is proposed will * Itinue to be peritted <br /> in r-sidential an agricultura dist- icts such as at <br /> •roposed for this a -a. <br /> Moveover, we fur Aer understand that .. e, though not <br /> - 11 , of the area , •uld q*alify for comme cia use though no- <br /> li: gt industr ' ,1 . <br /> w. der how it was pos- 'b e to conclude th-.t the p .r <br /> as ye . u*adopted is "likely • rznder non-conformin: 4y <br /> * - elopmen . . . (and) make ,ny future development ilnsossible"% <br /> Is Mr. * Azard being told in advan, e that . iy applicatic <br /> for a special u-- *emit will be turned • ew without regard <br /> to the merits .f h' s application? We a,e s e there is <br /> a ether e •lanation. <br /> also wonder wh the Octot*er , 1980, letter , *e no <br /> r- 'erence o the existin: pr.) ision for airpor ).--or he <br /> , proposed provisions . <br /> We would point out that there are a number of existing <br /> private airports in the County--all small, unlighted, unpave( <br /> and uncontrolled. One , we are told, belongs to a member of <br /> this board. Will they all become non-conforming? <br /> We suggest that the County should establish criteria <br /> to be met by airports of differing uses in the interest of <br /> public safety. Such criteria are easily available. <br />