Orange County NC Website
M+e c h me 4 <br />1 ITI-TRAM <br />UPDATED 062305 <br />*RANGE COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS <br />PROPOSED <br />CAPITAL FUNDING POLICY <br />Preamble <br />This capital funding policy is the product of extensive analysis and deliberation. It is <br />intended to reflect greater priority than there has been historically on providing funding for <br />County projects, with particular emphasis directed at enhanced upkeep of existing County <br />facilities. The policy reflects the implementation of the Board of Commissioners' <br />resolution of November 16, 2004 that the Board "does hereby adopt in principle a policy of <br />allocating a target of 60 percent of capital expenditures for school projects and 40 percent <br />of capital expenditures for county projects over the decade beginning in calendar year <br />2005': This policy continues the County's principle and historical practice of ensuring that <br />all School and County related debt service obligations are funded before any other School <br />or County capital funds are allocated for other purposes. <br />Planning Period <br />During each fiscal year, the Board of Commissioners shall adopt a ten year Capital <br />Investment Plan (CIP). The ten -year plan for long -range capital funding shall include <br />anticipated County capital expenditures costing $25,000 or more (excluding equipment) <br />and anticipated school capital expenditures costing $50,000 or more (excluding <br />equipment). Equipment costing $5,000 or more can be considered as part of the Capital <br />Investment Plan, but may also be considered for funding through recurring capital <br />appropriations. The first year of the adopted ten -year Capital Investment Plan shall be <br />incorporated into the next annual operating budget recommended by the County Manager. <br />County and School recurring capital needs will be identified and reviewed during each <br />annual operating budget cycle, and recurring capital appropriations will be approved by the <br />Board of Commissioners as an element of each annual Orange County Budget <br />Ordinance. <br />Sources of Funds <br />The County will allocate the following sources of funds for County and School debt service <br />and long -range and recurring capital: <br />• All proceeds from the Article 40 and Article 42 half -cent sales taxes. <br />(The North Carolina General Statutes require that 30 percent of the Article 40 <br />(NCGS§ 105 - 487(x)) and 60 percent of the Article 42 (NCGS§ 105- 502(a)) sales tax <br />revenue be earmarked for public school capital outlay as defined in NCGS §105 - 426(1) <br />or to retire any indebtedness incurred by the county for these purposes) <br />• School Construction Impact Fees for each school system. <br />• Public School Building Capital Fund annual allocations from the State of North <br />Carolina. <br />• The equivalent of the revenue estimated to be produced each fiscal year from 4 cents <br />on the countywide ad valorem tax rate. <br />(This 4 cent rate may, but need not, be adjusted with each quadrennial revaluation to <br />a "revenue neutral' earmarking) <br />