Orange County NC Website
` /�v ��� <br /> as su ch receives a significant pOrtion of its Operational funding from the e <br /> State Government. Mr. Baker, Mr. D'Amore, Burch Compton, myself and hopefully <br /> Mrs. Barnes are going in mid-February to Raleigh to confer with State Emergency <br /> Preparedness Officials to secu re their help or at least advice about reorganizing <br /> ng <br /> art of our new Emergency Services <br /> our nld Civ�l Prepared»ess Program as a p ask that the County's inactive <br /> Civil Preparedness Committee be reorganized <br /> » rtment Following that meeting I will probably as that will develop <br /> uepa ' n�zed �nto a group <br /> t one might expect to <br /> l ns broad enough to cover most of the disasters i in this <br /> disaster p a I will keep you abreast of what is happening <br /> occur in Orange County. <br /> area in future Managers Reports. <br /> EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES <br /> County Rescue ` <br /> of cons�derablunrest within the Orange <br /> Following a period - n recommending the County <br /> Squad late last fall I wrote the Board a memorandum" Principal among these <br /> the become the lead agency <br /> h d with certain changes within the EMS area, in EMS and <br /> forge n ea th County <br /> changes was the recommendation Movement in that direction was a <br /> of its own s <br /> n <br /> t full control over »e sufficient <br /> assert did r that operat1on'not have resources calculated risk as the County uads or a significant number <br /> te an EMS Program �f e�ther of the rescue sg took in that <br /> to operate squad were to quit. The first step we <br /> of the members of either ��u <br /> direction was to request N. C. Memorial Hospital become the sponsor hospital <br /> to become the principal <br /> t willingness County and <br /> for EMS in Orange »u assert its received a letter from the <br /> provide EMS training. Yesterday I rece to <br /> agency to pr«» expressing the hospital's willingness <br /> assistant hospital administrator e»p <br /> aocep t our proposal subject to our working out <br /> reasonable terms of <br /> this <br /> relationship which could be expressed in a con tractural agreement. The <br /> hospital has assigned Dr. Bobzien to determine what conditions th e hospital <br /> ital desfras to have covered in this contract. The e d uu <br /> tur has promised to have <br /> this material ready by the first of February. Wien it becomes available I <br /> will contact the County Attorney and we will prepare a formal proposal al f <br /> » <br /> r <br /> the Board to review before it is submitted to the hnspital' In the meantime <br /> me <br /> the hospital is moving forward, I understand, with arrangements to st ar t <br /> a E'M'T'l,y_ course which will be available to qualified persons in the <br /> South Orange, and Orange County Squ ads and the pa id County Employees. I <br /> have entered <br /> Will let you know when this course starts, how many persons <br /> and most importantly from which rescue squad they came. <br />