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Ni7# 7-ctadi <br /> ENO TOWNSHIP ADVISORY COMMITTEE <br /> Minutes - January 8, 1981 <br /> The Eno Township Advisory Committee met on January 8, 1981 at the Mount Hermo7 <br /> Baptist Church. The following members were present: Mr. Miller, Flowers , <br /> Reese, Simmons, Crabtree, Martin, Ray, and Crump; Mrs . Andrews and Mrs. Barbot <br /> Mr. Luce led the discussion and review of the Land Use Plan for Eno Township, <br /> pointing out the main areas (uses) planned for Eno Township. It was noted <br /> that these are generally the uses prevalent in the township today. Agricultut <br /> Residential, Rural Residential , Public Interest areas, and transition areas. <br /> It was noted that the population for Eno Township is projected for 8,000 in <br /> the next 20 years. Members of the committee expressed the feeling that these <br /> figures were too high and how was this projection arrrived at. It was felt <br /> that with the economic situation as it is , interest as high as it is, that <br /> not that much land has changed hands in the past and it was doubtful that that <br /> much would change in the future. <br /> It was noted that when farm land was changed to housing that a subdivision pl <br /> would be needed. <br /> Considerable discussio n ensued regarding the three activity nodes located in <br /> the township. How much land was included in those circles? It was felt also <br /> that these circles did not include all territory that it should. Planning <br /> department explained that activity nodes was a means of trying to prevent <br /> strip development along Hwy 70. <br /> Endorsement of this document is desired by Planning Department on the Land <br /> Use Plan. Committee had reservations about the Land Use Plan. There was a <br /> feeling that flexibility should be built into the document -that it should not <br /> be poured in cement. That the Land use plan should be used as a guide --that <br /> it must be reviewed periodically -- that land owners cannot be tied down <br /> completely. The need and desire for water and sewer lines was discussed at <br /> some length. Protection of private rights still a matter of concern. <br /> The following motion was made: Eno Township endorses the Land Use Plan concept <br /> as long as the map is used as a guide and is not absolutely rigid and as long <br /> as affected land owners are notified of changes before any changes are made. <br /> We recommend that the Red Hill Tract (Eno River State Park) Public Inrerest <br /> area be deleted from Land Use Plan as this particular tract is not now included <br /> in the most recent State Park Master Plan. <br /> It is further recomended that the transition area at Node #2 (70 and 85) be <br /> extended to SR 1712 (University Ste Rd.) <br /> The motion was seconded. Motion passed unanimously. The meeting was <br /> adjourned. <br /> Emi-a-c-c4/ <br /> Josephine Barbour, Secty. <br />