Orange County NC Website
BOCC on February 20, 2007 included by amendment the following two provisions that <br />were suggested by the Orange County Planning Board on December 6, 2006 <br />1. That we specifically go on record that we have not had the opportunity to view <br />the details to where any lines on the illustrative map might finally be situated nor <br />have citizens in the areas really had an opportunity to look at that fully so that we <br />want the record to show that we are not buying into the details of the map at this <br />point to be binding on us or anybody else in the future; <br />2. That we understand that In Phase Two there would be extensive outreach to <br />people in those communities with ample opportunities informally and formally to <br />ask questions and find out more about densities or other factors, about how this <br />might in fact be implemented and direct that the Planning staff bring back to us <br />specifics on how this might be done effectively; and <br />