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page 2 <br /> December 1, 1 <br /> have been no applicants for which home visitation was needed to process the <br /> application. <br /> 5. Mail issuance of Food Coupons should be increased. <br /> In April 1954 209 families were mailed their monthly allotment of coupons by <br /> Dept. of Social Services staff. This has steadily increased to 516 families <br /> October, dn. increase of 147g without additional staff in the data nanagemen <br /> issuance sections. The County Commissioners are being requested to increase <br /> clerical staff by 20 hours per week. A portion of this time is needed for a <br /> up person in coupon issuance since mail 'emanate is increasing monthly. <br /> 6, Extra Certification hours beyond regular work week, <br /> The Food Stamp staff will make special arrangements for after hours certifici <br /> on an individual basis upon request. The Board of Social Services and staff <br /> not felt demand is high enough to justify the extra cost of a regular after k <br /> certification schedule. <br /> 7. Employment of Minorities in Food Stamp Eligibility Specialist positions. <br /> The agency was fortunate to be able to recruit two minority employees assign <br /> Food Stamp interviewing in August 1980, Many recommendations were made regard <br /> hiring minorities with persons from the Orange County Client Council stating <br /> agency was not using available "loopholes" and 'weivers of Merit System requir <br /> meats to hire minority personnel. Harold Webb, Director of the Office of Ste <br /> Personnel addressed this matter in a letter dated June 20, 1980, Mr. Webb et <br /> he was not aware of "loopholes" and commended the agency for following persor <br /> personnel policies. A copy of this letter was sent to North State Legal Sery <br /> ,031w0e. <br /> 8. Identify by Name and Address and telephone numbernlegal advise is available f, <br /> "Notice of Adverse Action" to Food Stamp applicants and recipients. <br /> North State Legal Services provided the agency with a stamp to be used, as sta. <br /> above. This was begun in July 1980, <br /> 9. Display of a graph showing partioipation figures and goals. <br /> This was done in August with monthly fluctuations being posted as soon as the3 <br /> are available. The staff is aware of the program toward the goal through use <br /> this visual aid. <br /> 10. Goal setting for participation rate increases to 5096 of eligibles by January 1 <br /> 1981 and 70% by June 1, 1981. <br /> The Social Services Board set a goal of WS participation by January 1, 1981. <br /> With the above 9 actions steps having taken place there has been no significan <br /> increase in participation rates since June 1980. The growth rate on the attac <br /> bar graph is partically flat except for the yearly mummer increase (see June, <br /> July, August 1979 & 80). November and December are usually up above Sept. and <br /> October's annual figures so we will hopefully have large increases until the e <br /> of 1980. November and December's count will not be available until about the <br /> second week of the following month. <br /> -Conclusion- <br /> The Social Services Board has asked that the Food Stamp program monitor closel; <br /> the factors listed, in this memorandum in order to increase participation in tht <br />