Orange County NC Website
04C <br /> A Special Use Permit the applicant is required to satisfy <br /> certain conditions of approval, including the revision of the <br /> site plan(s) (where necessary) and the issuance of appropriate <br /> development permits and approvals, including, but not limited <br /> to landscape plans, drainage and stormwater control plans, <br /> utilities approvals and permits, etc . . <br /> Foilowing issuance of the Special Use Permit other approvals <br /> ma be necessary before actual construction may begin including <br /> construction, permits, grading permits, NCDOT street <br /> construction plan approvals and driveway permits, etc. <br /> On ,July 1 , 1985 the Board of County Commissioners approved the <br /> Planned Development Housing Special Use Permit (R-11 req est <br /> for West Ten Mobile Park. The applicants have indicated hat <br /> work with the State of North Carolina, engineers, -Oil <br /> specialists and others have slowed progress on the proj -ct. <br /> The initial six month approval is inadequate to allow the <br /> applicant to - obtain necessary approvals and •comm nce <br /> construction . The applicants are requesting a six—month <br /> extension until January 1986 . <br /> IMPACT: Approval of the time extension would allow additional time for <br /> the satisfaction of conditions of approval imposed and <br /> additional development permits and approvals required for <br /> I contruction to begin . <br /> A decision not to approve the 'time extension would require 'hat <br /> a pablic hearing be held on the rezoning of the property in <br /> question to an appropriate zoning district. <br /> RECOMMENDATION: Extension of the planned development rezoning for the lest <br /> TenlMobile Home Park for (6 ) months to January 1 , 1986 to a Low <br /> additional time to obtain appropriate permits and approvals and <br /> to initiate construction activity . <br /> The Orange County Planning Board will consider this ite , at <br /> their December 16 , 1985 meeting . <br />