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15 <br />ATTACHMENT F-1 <br />AN ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING ASIX-MONTH MORATORIUM ON THE <br />CONSIDERATION OF REZONING PROPOSALS 'AND THE ACCEPTANCE OF <br />NEW APPLICATIONS FOR SPECIAL OR CONDITIONAL USE PERMITS FOR <br />RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT WITHIN THE NORTHERN STUDY AREA <br />THE BOARD OF ALDERMEN OF THE TOWN OF CARRBORO ORDAINS: <br />Section 1. The Board finds'that: . <br />a. On May 26, 199$, following years of study and community participation, the <br />Board of Aldermen adopted the Facilitated Small Area Plan for the Northern <br />Study Area (Northern Study Area Plan), a document which established <br />planning goals and objectives for the area shown on the map attached to and <br />incorporated into this ordinance as Attachment A. <br />b. The Carrboro Land Use Ordinance and zoning map were amended in an <br />attempt to implement the goals and objectives set forth in the Northern Study <br />Area Plan. <br />c. Significant development within the Northern Study Area has occurred since <br />the adoption of the plan and the ordinance changes designed to implement the <br />plan. <br />d. The Carrboro Planning Board as well as other advisory boards and individual <br />citizens have expressed doubts whether the goals and objectives of the <br />Northern Study .Area Plan are being achieved and can be achieved without <br />modifications to the Land Use Ordinance and zoning map. <br />e. The Board has considered and devised a process to involve the town's <br />advisory boards as well as citizens and interested parties in the examination of <br />the Land Use Ordinance and zoning map to determine if changes are <br />warranted in order to better implement the goals and objectives of the <br />Northern Study Area Plan. <br />f. Considerable assistance from the town's planning staff will be necessary in <br />order to allow this process to move forward satisfactorily and expeditiously. <br />g. A moratorium on the consideration of rezoning proposals and the acceptance <br />of new applications for conditional and special use permits for residential <br />developments is necessary in order to allow the planning staff to devote the <br />time necessary to move the above described planning process forward. <br />h. A moratorium on the consideration of rezoning proposals and the acceptance <br />of new special and conditional use permit applications is also necessary to <br />prevent decisions that could be inconsistent with the results of the planning <br />process outlined above. <br />