Orange County NC Website
~~ . <br />ATTACHMENT D <br />' ~ TOWN OF CARRBORO <br />301 tB/est Main Street, Carrboro, North Caro/ina 27510 <br />JC+ ~C)l~IYYEl~TATI®l~ <br />May 4, 2006 <br />Request from the P1~an~nirlg Board that the Board of Aldermen Consider a <br />Moratorium on Development in the Northern Study Area. Revised 4-17-06 <br />On several occasions recently, including at their Retreat in February, 2006, the Aldermen have expressed <br />concerns about the wanner in which development has been taking place in the Northern Study Area <br />(NSA), as well as a desire to re-consider the current zoning in the NSA. ' <br />Members of the Planning Board share those concems, and note that development is .continuing at a rapid <br />pace whereby future opportunities to achieve.important community goals for the NSA are dwindling. In <br />light of the swift pace of development applications, the Planning Board strongly recommends that the <br />Aldermen enact a Moratorium on rezoning, major subdivisions, special and conditional use pemut <br />applications throughout the NSA for a period of• time sufficient to re-evaluate existing zoning and <br />ordinance in respect of the principles and objectives of the'Facilitated Small Area Plan for Carrboro's <br />Northern Study Area, as well as the .interests and concerns of residents of the NSA, and to enact, if <br />necessary, new zoning and ordinance for the NSA. ' ~ ' <br />To the members of the Planning $oard it appears that some principles expressed in the Small Area Plan <br />are not being realized by the pattern of suburban development predominating in the NSA. Consider the <br />following principles from the Plan: <br />"Yillage-type development should be encouraged. This type of development blends residential and <br />commercial opportunities, and is easily negotiated by pedestrians... Village-type development improves <br />the Tawn's ability to provide~services e}ficiently... " (p31) <br />"Carrboro needs neighborhoods with a mixture of housing opportunities designed for a diverse <br />population. " (p31) ' <br />"Since the population of Carrboro will continue to increase significantly in the study area, new <br />commercial development will be needed. 'Routine commercial service needs should be met by <br />neighborhood centers. " (p33) <br />"Development of new tra»sit routes and the location of higher density development zoning near such <br />routes should be encouraged. " (p36) <br />