Orange County NC Website
4 <br />in the west are the main population centers. Around Siler City resides a very large and <br />rapidly growing permanent Latino population. This sub-community does not make use <br />of public mental health, developmental disabilities and/or substance abuse services in <br />numbers proportionate to its size. <br />OPC has a strong administrative infrastructure that efficiently .uses its resources to <br />manage its internal programs.. We are also fortunate to have experienced <br />administrative and professional clinical staff members who carry out the requirements of <br />the LME and address the needs of the community at large. Other strengths include the <br />following: <br />• 24/7/365 screening, triage and referral (STR) capacity with live bilingual voice <br />response to all those who need it and an on-call back up system to support after- <br />hours STR <br />• a provider community comprised of over 240 gences and individual clinicians who <br />provide over 100 different services, including~.all seven, best practice models <br />• a hospital liaison who is able to provide <(mmedate response to consumers who are <br />hospitalized <br />• a .care review system in all three counties that,: has been successful in keeping <br />consumers in their home communities ~~~, ` ~= <br />• active participation by LME staff in over 30 community, groups and committees, <br />including three Community Collaboratives for children <br />• a strong housing program that includes crisis apartments and other housing <br />initiatives <br />•3 a large percentage,~of:{icerised LME staff available to provide technical assistance <br />and clinical consultation to.providers <br />• an approved training,.,, program which enables the LME to offer continuing education <br />units to licensed clinicians, 6oth~for providers and staff <br />• a strong customer service department-that provides timely response to complaints <br />from consumers and providers ~- <br />• an endorsement and monitoring process that is collaborative and provides technical <br />assistance to improve the quality gf'services <br />• a Gonsumer and Family Advisory Committee with a diverse and active membership <br />While OPC has many strengths, it also faces multiple challenges to successful <br />functioning as an LME for our community. These challenges include the following: <br />• stabilization of OPC's financial health to ensure continued viability of the LME <br />• a business system that is in its infancy <br />• the need for a sophisticated system to fully automate the claims, STR, <br />authorizations, and customer service functions <br />• increasing hospitalization rates <br />• staff turnover and recruitment issues <br />• the need for a comprehensive public relations approach to educating the community <br />about available services and the LME's role in obtaining those services <br />• the need to increase communication and collaboration with community hospitals <br />4 <br />