Orange County NC Website
. _ <br /> 000010 <br /> . , <br /> Neither water nor sewer service is immediately available to the <br /> site. Extension of gravity-flow sewer service to the site would - <br /> require constructing a major outfall to the site from the existing <br /> line along MOrgan Creek ( near its intersection with U.S.15-501 ) , <br /> along wiisoz4 Creek and Obey's Creek. Such an extension would <br /> involve about 2.5 miles of 12-15-inch. pipe that must cross at <br /> least 17 properties. The construction and easement acquisition <br /> costs of such a project would probably be prohibitively expensive <br /> and impossible to achieve. Any extension of sewer service to the <br /> site other than part of a gravity-flow system would be contrary to <br /> Town and OWASA policy. Although Town standards can prohibit <br /> development of that part of the property located in the Town's <br /> planning jurisdiction to urban intensities unless it served by • <br /> gravity-flow 'sewer, we do not believe County regulations can do so <br /> for that part -of the property located in the .County's planning <br /> jurisdiction. We believe the the. distance and extent of <br /> construction and easement acquisition necessary to provide sewer <br /> service to the site is evidence that urban development of the site <br /> before develdpment of the- intervening properties is premature. <br /> Even if a developer of the site were willing and able to pay the <br /> high costs of the necessary gravity-flow sewer extension, such <br /> extension would Immediately open up several square miles of <br /> intervening imdeveloped land to urban development. However, the <br /> other urban services needed to serve that urban development would <br /> . not be in place. The area south of Morgan Creek lacks the fire <br /> station needed to provide its urban development with adequate fire <br /> protection, I lacks the community park needed to meet the <br /> recreational needs of its urban development, and is served by a <br /> single thoro ghfare that is already handling near-capacity traffic <br /> loads. . <br /> Access to any development of the site, or of any other property <br /> south of the By-Pass, depends on U.S. 15-501's capacity to handle <br /> traffic. The capacity of the existing roadway is already strained <br /> by current traffic loads. U.S 15-501 had a daily traffic count of <br /> 9200 in 1984.1 The level C capacity of the road is approximately <br /> 8000 vehicle e per day. The road's level D capacity is 9600 <br /> vehicles per iday. The current ADT of 9200 represents 115% of the- <br /> level C capacity and 96% of the level D capacity. The current R-1 <br /> zoning of the site .would allow approximately 87 residential <br /> dwelling units. The proposed R-4 rezoning would allow 348 units. <br /> 87 units would generate 870 trips per day while 348 units would <br /> generate 34801 trips per day. <br /> - <br /> The amount of traffic generated by urban development opened up by <br /> extension of lsewer service up Wilson and Obey's Creeks would <br /> create- severe traffic problems on U.S. 15-501 South. The <br /> traffic capacity of U.S. 15-501 should be increased before any <br /> substantial trban development is allowed south of the By-Pass. <br /> Although improvement of U.S. 15-501 southward to Culbreth Drive <br /> is already or the NCDOT Traffic Improvements Program (TIP) , <br /> improvement cJf the roadway on southward to the Chatham County line <br /> • <br />