Orange County NC Website
. tat ib fh � <br /> United States Ifflepartment of the Interior <br /> NATIONAL PARK SERVICE <br /> WASHINGTON, MC. 2(290 <br /> IH ki.l•LY ML►RN 14: <br /> The Director of the National Park Service <br /> William J. Whalen <br /> is pleased to inform you ttat the historic property listed on the <br /> enclosed sheet has been nominated by the State Historic Preservation <br /> Officer responsible for your State's implementation of the National <br /> Historic Preservation Act of 1466, P.L. 89-665 (80 Stat. 915), as <br /> amended. It has accordingly been entered in the National Register <br /> of Historic Places. A leaflet explaining the National Register is <br /> enclosed for your information and convenience. ' <br /> CD <br /> M <br /> GQ <br /> Enclosures <br />