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lCLE 12 LANDSCAPING AND SCREENING J"yes" Indic com liance• "No" Indicates noncompliance-) <br /> Planning Staff <br /> Findings Based on <br /> Ordinance Requirements Submitted Application Evidence Submitted Planning Board <br /> to Support Findings Recommended Findings <br /> The development shall conform <br /> with the requirements of <br /> Article 12 - Landscaping <br /> and Screening. <br /> These standards are as <br /> follows: <br /> I. Street Frontage land- X Yes _No Applicant <br /> s caps nc� must Include "'- PP proposes to screen the <br /> parking facilities from Mebane Oaks Yes No <br /> a 10-foot landscaped Road utilizing a board fence and <br /> area planted with one American Boxwoods. Remainder of the <br /> tree per h0 feet, a IO' landscape strips to be <br /> hedge or other durable P P grassed or <br /> landscape material at mulched. <br /> least 3 feet In height <br /> and grass or ground <br /> cover. <br /> 2. Peripheral landscaping X Yes (lo <br /> must include a IQ-foot '-"-' --- Applicant Proposes to screen the <br /> parking facilities from adjacent ---Yes No <br /> landscaping area planted properties utilizing an existing, <br /> with one tree per 60 feet, Multiflora Rose hedgerow and <br /> a hedge or other durable American holly trees. Remainder of <br /> landscape material at of the 10' landscape strips to be <br /> least 3 feet In height, grassed or mulched. <br /> and grass or ground cover. <br /> 3. Interior landscaping must X Yes No <br /> provide coverage of at --- Existing vegetation satisfies requirement. <br /> least 5% of any <br /> Supplementary base plantings are recommended. Yes No <br /> vehicular use area. <br /> G7 <br /> 1.4 <br />