Orange County NC Website
RECOMMENDED CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL <br /> 1. The grantee of this Special Use Permit shall post with Orange <br /> County, in a form acceptable to the County Attorney, a bond or <br /> letter of credit in an amount equal to the cost of all public <br /> improvements plus 10%. The amount shall be determined on the <br /> basis of fully executed construction contracts or certification <br /> by a registered engineer employed by the grantee of this <br /> Special Use Permit. Security for construction of the <br /> improvements in this project may follow phasing in the project. <br /> Specifically, as improvements are completed in each phase a <br /> corresponding amount of money may be released from the security <br /> instruments or the security instruments may be renegotiated <br /> based on the "yet to do" portion of the improvements. <br /> 2. Security shall be provided for the grading, paving and stabili- <br /> zation of all cleared areas, streets and other vehicular <br /> travelways; sidewalks and other pedestrian walkways; erection <br /> of street signs; utility installation and hookups; recreational <br /> facilities; and landscaping. <br /> 3. All necessary easements to permit utility (electricity, <br /> telephone and cable television by any cable television provid- <br /> er franchised by Orange County and/or Chapel Hill to serve this <br /> development) installation, servicing and hookups to the develo <br /> pment and to each unit within the development shall be provided <br /> at no cost to the utility provider. Final utility plans shall <br /> be approved by the Town Manager, County Manager and/or <br /> appliciable utility company prior to the issuance of a Zoning <br /> Compliance Permit. All lines shall be underground. <br /> 4. Roads, parking areas, walkways, street signs, utilities, <br /> recreation facilities and sites and landscaping shall be <br /> maintained as constructed. All such improvements and <br /> facilities shall further be maintained and operated in a safe <br /> manner. <br /> 5. The grantee shall promulgate Articles of Incorporation <br /> governing tenancy in the development and shall record a copy <br /> of the Articles of Incorporation and regulations <br /> promulgated under this condition in the Orange County Registry <br /> of Deeds. <br /> 6. Provide temporary turn-arounds to Town standards at all stub- <br /> out streets, and provide a sign at the end of the road stating <br /> tis street is subject to "future extension." <br /> 7. Dedicate a 60-foot right-of-way and construct to Town standards <br /> a street from Sweeten Creek Road to the eastern property line <br /> at the Carroll property to the east of this subdivision. Plans <br /> for this street shall be approved by the Town Manager and/or <br />