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ARTICLE 7 - SPECIFIC STANDARDS FOR EVALUATION/PLANNED DEVELOPMENTS -(Conti.nued) <br /> Planning Staff <br /> Recommendations Baseddon Planning Board <br /> Ordinance Requirements Submitted Application "fvidence'Submitted To Support Findings Recommended Findings <br /> Article 7.14.3 standards <br /> continued: <br /> a)6. Maximum building X Yes No Maximum building height in R-2 district Yes No <br /> height complies with is 251 . Development summary indicates <br /> standards set forth dimensional standard, individual units' <br /> in Article 6.12,3 and <br /> Article 5.1 ,1 compliance to be determined upon issuance of <br /> a building permit. <br /> a)7. Signs to be erected in Yes No <br /> accordance with Article 9. '— Applicant indicates sign details and Yes No <br /> location which comply with the provisions <br /> Standards regarding "internal of Article 9 which specifies a maximum sign <br /> relationships" are as follows: area of 16 square feet. <br /> b)l . Streets, drives and parking Yes No <br /> areas provide safe and con- "" Applicant proposes a 33' public road, Yes No <br /> .venient access for dwellings Sweeten Creek Road, as the primary road <br /> and emergency vehicles, serving the development. Two cul-de-sacs <br /> and do not create small and two sbub-outs are also proposed. As <br /> block sizes. designed, the proposed public streets provide <br /> safe and convenient access to dwelling units. <br /> b)2. Vehicular access controlled <br /> as follows: <br /> a) Streets serving 50 or Yes No Yes ' ' No <br /> less dwellings provide The -proposed cul-de-sacs and stub-outs <br /> direct access to parking/ provide access to lots served by private <br /> service areas, drives as proposed in the typical lot details. <br /> b)2, b) Streets serving greater " ' X Yes 1No Sweeten Creek Road provides access to Yes ' No <br /> than 50 dwellings provide lots served by private drives as proposed <br /> access to parking areas so in the typical lot details. Staff recommends <br /> located, designed and that the parking area serving the recreation <br /> controlled as to channel <br /> traffic and accessed by this road be redesigned <br /> ffic without interruption, to minimize traffic interruption on Sweeten <br /> b)3. Walkways form safe, con- X Yes No Creek Road. Yes No <br /> venient system of access to ._.._ —" Pedestrian walkways are provided which <br /> dwellings, facilities and satisfy this requirment. <br /> off-site designations. <br /> Maximum walking distance <br /> between dwellings and parking; <br /> delivery and refuse collection <br /> areas does not exceed 100 feet. <br />