Orange County NC Website
0 <br />9. Amount of RTP Funds Requested: $75,000 <br />10. Value of Cash Match and/or In -kind Services: $18,750 <br />Note: Must equal or exceed 25% of the RTP funds requested <br />11. Complete this sentence in 10 words or less. We will use the RTP award for authorized <br />paddle access to Haw River in Orange County. <br />12. Check the following phrases that best describes your trail project <br />X_ New Trail Construction <br />X Extension of an existing trail <br />Trail Maintenance or Trail Restoration <br />Trail Facilities <br />X Land Acquisition for this Trail Project <br />13. User Groups allowed to use this trail. (please check all that apply) <br />X_ Walker/Hikers <br />Equestrians <br />Bicyclers <br />Off - Highway Vehicles <br />X_ Canoeists/Kayakers <br />X Persons with Disabilities <br />14. Describe in feet or miles (if any) the amount of trail to be built or maintained: <br />Developing paddle access at Old Greensboro Highway will bridge the longest existing <br />stretch of the Haw River Trail without amenities or official access about 12 miles <br />spanning three counties. <br />15. List the facilities (if any) that are to be acquired or built with this grant: <br />The grant money will be used for purchase of land. <br />16. Provide acreage and reason you need to acquire land for this trail project: <br />The 8.19 acre parcel is not only currently being used as an unofficial access, but is a high <br />priority parcel for riparian protection. Current private landowners are unable to meet the <br />management demands that the increase of Haw River Trail paddlers are requiring. <br />17. List any existing facilities (if any) that are currently available to support this new trail or <br />existing trail project (trail head parking areas, restrooms, drinking water, etc.): <br />Improvements to the access upstream at Saxavahaw and downstream at Chicken Bridge_ <br />road (the main access points associated with the Old Greensboro access ) are both <br />improving their facilities, creating a recreational system gap at Old Greensboro access. <br />Currently at Old Greensboro, there is a dirt access road in the DOT right -of -way. <br />Application Page 2 <br />