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4 <br /> John Roberts said the County can amend the policy to address advisory boards, but the <br /> ABC Board is required by statue to have a travel policy. He said the ABC Board is not an <br /> advisory board and has its own authority <br /> Commissioner Jacobs said he understands this, but his concern arises from ABC <br /> Boards having conventions in nice areas with desirable perks. <br /> Commissioner Dorosin suggested amending the policy in Item 4, where it says <br /> authorization, and add a line to say advisory boards or other County Boards must secure <br /> approval of the Manager. <br /> Commissioner Jacobs suggested adding the County Manager and the Advisory Board <br /> Chair as approvers. <br /> John Roberts said the BOCC can revise this policy right now, or at a later time. <br /> Commissioner Rich clarified that the Board is changing the Orange County Travel <br /> Policy to make sure the ABC Board is following the rules. <br /> Commissioner Jacobs said the ABC Board is the most susceptible to misuse of the <br /> prerogatives of the policy. <br /> John Roberts said the change could be applicable just to the ABC Board. <br /> Chair McKee asked if it would be more palatable to meet with all parties concerned, <br /> before making a change. <br /> Commissioner Price asked if this would apply to other County advisory boards. <br /> John Roberts said the ABC Board is not an advisory board, and the BOCC is asking to <br /> have the Orange County policy to apply to the ABC Board as well. He said if the ABC Board <br /> adopts a policy, Orange County still has to approve it. <br /> Commissioner Price asked if the BOCC is setting a precedent for other boards as well. <br /> She said if the change only applies to the ABC Board, then it could be accomplished tonight. <br /> John Roberts said the statute governing the ABC Board travel allowance states that if a <br /> policy is not approved, then the ABC Board can follow the state travel plan. <br /> A motion was made by Commissioner Dorosin, seconded by Commissioner Jacobs to <br /> add a sentence in section 4 page 1- - overnight travel - and add — any advisory board member <br /> — approval required would be the County Manager; and for the non-overnight travel - add a <br /> sentence —for advisory board members is by the County Manager. <br /> Commissioner Jacobs said to also add the Advisory Board Chair as one of the <br /> approvers. <br /> Bonnie Hammersley said the Advisory Board Chair could be the one to make the <br /> request to the County Manager, thus keeping the connection between all parties. <br /> Commissioner Jacobs said this change would apply to all boards. <br /> Commissioner Dorosin amended the motion to add a sentence that says for travel <br /> requests from all advisory board members will go through Board Chair and then to the County <br /> Manager. <br /> John Roberts said in order for this change to apply to the ABC Board, additional <br /> language will be needed, as the ABC Board is not an advisory board. He said it will need to <br /> say an advisory board, or any board, that utilizes this policy by approval of the Commissioners. <br /> VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br /> A motion was made by Commissioner Dorosin, seconded by Commissioner Price to <br /> allow the ABC Board to use the travel policy as amended. <br />