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14 <br /> Commissioner Jacobs said it is an outside agency and it is directly related to <br /> sustainable agriculture. <br /> Commissioner Price said she supported the Food Council but thought there was an <br /> unwritten policy about not fully funding brand new organizations. <br /> Commissioner Jacobs said past boards have funded new entities if there was a need <br /> shown. <br /> Commissioner Pelissier said criteria was developed a few years back on how to fund <br /> outside agencies and one criteria was if a non-profit was getting most of its money from <br /> government than it is not a non-profit. She said it now seems that government is funding most <br /> of these outside agencies and maybe the BOCC needs to re-visit its criteria. She said the <br /> Manager has recommended funding some of these non-profits because they were the Board's <br /> priority. <br /> Commissioner Burroughs asked Janice Tyler if she could highlight the funding needs of <br /> Senior Care of Orange. <br /> Janice Tyler said this group is continuing to struggle and has about enough money for <br /> one month of payroll. She said Veterans Affairs owes the agency about $20,000. She said <br /> the census fluctuates, which makes it difficult to plan. She said it is hard for this agency to <br /> meet the living wage criteria this time but noted that this is the only day health program for <br /> seniors in Orange County. She stressed the importance of this program. <br /> Commissioner Rich referred to Behavioral Insights and asked if the County is providing <br /> this service already and if so, why is any funding being offered at all. <br /> Bonnie Hammersley said the $4,000 was a recommendation of the Criminal Justice <br /> Resource Manager who identified any duplicate services and determined that $4,000 of <br /> services is still being provided by Behavioral Insights. <br /> Travis Myren said this funding is for staff to write sentencing plans. <br /> Commissioner Rich asked if this task could be brought in-house. <br /> Travis Myren said he does not believe the current staff has the skill set to do this task. <br /> He said there is also a desire to start a Batterers Intervention Program; however, certification <br /> was not received to start this program so this portion is not being funded. <br /> Commissioner Price asked if this $4,000 could be contracted out. <br /> Bonnie Hammersley said the $4,000 is for a contract and will be administered and <br /> monitored by the Criminal Justice Resource Manager. <br /> Commissioner Jacobs said another variable that is to be considered when determining <br /> outside agency funding is how much an organization serves the residents of Orange County. <br /> He said the Food Council serves 100% in Orange County. <br /> Bonnie Hammersley said the spreadsheet did not cover the geographical service areas <br /> and staff tried to incorporate as much as possible from the applications. <br /> Commissioner Jacobs requested that next year more information be provided regarding <br /> the agencies that are not funded, so that Commissioners can independently evaluate the <br /> agency and see if they concur with the Manager's recommendation. <br /> Commissioner Jacobs said the Board needs to acknowledge Commissioner Dorosin's <br /> suggestion to fully fund previously funded agencies, and if so, then there would be no need for <br /> further discussion on those agencies. <br /> Bonnie Hammersley said if the Board wants to delay the mark-up-mark-down process <br /> until the next meeting it can do so, as all amendments will be reviewed at that time. <br /> Commissioner Jacobs suggested deferring this conversation about the outside agency <br /> amendments until the next meeting due to Commissioner Dorosin's illness this evening. <br /> Commissioner Price said she planned to propose more for the Hillsborough Art's <br /> Council. <br />