Orange County NC Website
4 <br />5. Identify all costs associated with facility operations (not including facility development costs), <br />with a recommended plan for achieving current-account break-even. <br />6. Review proposed facility layout and design, including cold and dry storage and food <br />production segregation. <br />7. Provide estimates of total cost of facility build-out and equipment acquisition. <br />8. Provide final feasibility study organization and presentation. <br />9. Conduct three area visits and interviews with community partners. <br />10. Instruct participating counties on conducting area publicity, primary data gathering, and <br />organization of meeting and visits with potential project collaborators. <br />Article 2. Orange County will, upon receipt of appropriate billings, compensate Mills at the project <br />fee of $15,000, payable in three installments (at contract signing, at accomplishment of 50% of <br />work, and at presentation of final report to Orange County). Payments can be mailed to Smithson <br />Mills, 34 West Oakview Road, Asheville NC 28806. <br />Article 3. Either party may effect termination of this agreement hereto by the delivery to the other <br />party of a written notice of intent to terminate, such termination to be effective on the thirtieth <br />calendar day after date of delivery notice. This agreement will terminate on December 31, 2007. <br />Article 4. This agreement may be amended only by written agreement signed by both parties. <br />IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Orange County has caused this Agreement to be signed in its name by <br />its County Manager, attested by the clerk to the Board of Commissioners and Smithson Mills has <br />caused this Agreement to be signed, and all authority duly given, the day and year first above <br />written. <br />ORANGE COUNTY <br />Bv: <br />Moses Carey, Chair, BOCC <br />ATTEST: <br />Clerk to the Orange County, Board of Commissioners <br />Smithson Mills, Inc. <br />By: <br />Smithson Mills, President <br />4 <br />