Orange County NC Website
2 <br /> Le Saving Clause - If any chapter, section or other <br /> portion of these regulations is found to be in- <br /> valid by duly constituted authority, it shall not <br /> affect the validity of the balance of these regu- <br /> lations. <br /> 3.3 Violations of Policy Provisions - An employee <br /> violating any of the provisions of this policy <br /> will be subject to suspension and/or dismissal in <br /> addition to any civil or criminal penalty which <br /> may be imposed for violations of the same. <br /> 3.4 Effective Date - These personnel regulations shall <br /> become effective on the date adopted by the Board. <br /> Regulations and amendments thereto shall remain in <br /> effect until amended by the Board. This policy <br /> shall become effective as of July 1, 1985. <br /> 3.5 Provisions of this Ordinance are not retro-active <br /> 4.0 Definitions: <br /> 4. 1 Acting Positions - any position filled on a temporary, <br /> substitute, non-permanent or interim basis by a perma- <br /> nent employee. <br /> 4.2 Allocation - the assignment of an individual position <br /> to an appropriate salary range. <br /> 4.3 Board of County Commissioners - the local governmental <br /> unit charged with the legislative affairs of the <br /> County. <br /> 4. 4 Class - a position or group of positions having similar <br /> duties and responsibilities, requiring similar qualifi- <br /> cations, which can be properly designated by one title <br /> indicative of the nature or work perfomed and which <br /> carry the same salary range. <br /> 4.5 Classification Plan - a systematic plan of structuring <br /> groups of classifications in a formal method to facil- <br /> itate ranking the classifications or group of classifi- <br /> cations with respect to their individual relationships. <br /> 4.6 Classified Employee - any County employee occupying a <br /> position that is subject to the position classification <br /> plan. <br /> 4.7 Closing Date - an established date determined by the <br /> Personnel Department which concludes recruitment <br /> efforts for a particular opening. <br /> 4. 8 Demotion - the reassignment of an employee to a posi- <br /> tion or classification having a lower salary range than <br /> the position from which the reassignment is made. <br />