Orange County NC Website
31 <br /> County' s Pay Plan and State and Federal Tax <br /> regulations. <br /> 5.3 Solicitation of County employees during work hours <br /> shall be prohibited unless expressly authorized in <br /> advance by the Manager. <br /> 5.3. 1 Collections and solicitations by county <br /> employees is prohibited. County employees <br /> engaging in this activity, receiving sala- <br /> ries , wages, or commissions will be sub- <br /> ject to the provisions of outside employ- <br /> ment as outlined in Section 5. 1. <br /> 5.3.2 Any violation of this section shall subject <br /> such employee to dismissal or other disci- <br /> plinary action. <br /> 6.0 POLITICAL ACTIVITY <br /> Every employee has a civic responsibility to support <br /> good government by every available means and in every <br /> appropriate manner. Each county employee may join or <br /> affiliate with civic or political organizations in <br /> accordance with the Consitution and laws of the State <br /> of North Carolina and in accordance with the Constitu- <br /> tion and laws of the State of North Carolina and in <br /> accordance with the constitution and law: of the United <br /> States of America. However, no employee shall: <br /> (a) use his official authority or influence for <br /> the purpose of interfering with or <br /> affecting the result of an election or a <br /> nomination for office <br /> (b) directly or indirectly coerce, attempt to <br /> coerce, command or advise any other em- <br /> ployee of the governmental unit to pay, <br /> lend, or contribute anything of value to a <br /> party, committee, organization, agency or <br /> person for political purposes; <br /> (c) be required as a duty of his office or <br /> employment as a condition for employment, <br /> promotion, or tenure of office to contri- <br /> bute funds for political or partisan <br /> purposes; <br /> (d) use any supplies or equipment of the <br /> governmental unit for political purposes; <br /> or <br /> (e) be removed from employment for reasons <br /> other than provided in this section. <br /> 6, 1 Any violation of this section shall be deemed <br /> improper conduct and shall subject such employee <br /> to dismissal or other disciplinary action by the <br /> appointing authority. <br />