Orange County NC Website
r. <br /> 29 <br /> 2. Surplus funds must be available in the <br /> Personnel Service Account of the depart- <br /> ment. <br /> 3. Department Heads must secure Briar <br /> approval of the Manager before authorizing <br /> employees to work on the basis of a cash <br /> payment for overtime. <br /> 3.6 A record of all overtime work authorized shall be <br /> approved by the department head and recorded on <br /> the employee's time sheet appropriately. The time <br /> sheet must be signed by the employee and certified <br /> by the department head. Such record must be <br /> preserved by the Personnel Department for a period <br /> of two complete fiscal years. If the County <br /> Manager has granted pay for overtime, a copy of <br /> the time sheet should accompany a Personnel Action <br /> and Payroll Form in request for payment, to the <br /> Personnel Department. <br /> 3.7 Compensatory time must be exhausted before annual <br /> leave is taken. No employee shall be paid for any <br /> accrued compensatory leave at separation. (See <br /> Article IX. Section 7.3) <br /> 4.0 LEAVE WITHOUT PAY <br /> 4. 0 Permanent full-time or probationary county em- <br /> ployees may be granted leave without pay for up to <br /> one year by the County Manager. <br /> 4. 1 Part-time and temporary employees will be granted <br /> leave without pay, if necessary while on Worker's <br /> Compensation Leave. <br /> 4.2 Leave may be approved for personal or family <br /> illness or disablity, completion of education, or <br /> special work that will permit the county to bene- <br /> fit by the experience gained or the work performed <br /> 4.3 Employees must apply for leave without pay in <br /> writing to his supervisor. <br /> 4.4 The employee must return to duty within or at the <br /> end of the time specified by the County Manager. <br /> Failure to report at the expiration of leave, <br /> unless an extension has been requested, will be <br /> considered a resignation. <br /> 4.5 If an employee desires to go on leave without pay <br /> due to personal disability, he may use accumulated <br /> sick leave first, unless he is drawing Worker's <br /> Compensation payments. A physician must indicate <br /> in writing the dates that disability actually <br /> begins and ends. <br />