Orange County NC Website
29 <br /> creed, religion, national origin, or physical <br /> handicap. <br /> 3.5 Employees required to work overtime may be compen- <br /> sated with time off or paid for such overtime on <br /> the basis of one end one-half Cl 1/2) times the <br /> overtime hourE worked provided that: <br /> 3.5. 1 The work is of an unusual, unscheduled or <br /> emergency nature and is directed by the <br /> Department Head or the authorized <br /> representative of the Department Head. <br /> Department Heads will be held accountable <br /> and therefore, must assure that the work <br /> falls within the above stated paramenters. <br /> 3.5.2 Compensatory time shall be granted whenever <br /> feasible and it shall be taken within two <br /> pay periods from the time that it is earn- <br /> ed. <br /> More specifically, it is necessary that all <br /> accumulated compensatory time be documented <br /> and records to that effect be maintained. <br /> Therefore, effective immediately the pro- <br /> cedure for maintenance of these records is <br /> as follows: <br /> Submit to the Personnel Department, by the <br /> second working day of each month, a record <br /> of all authorized compensatory time. This <br /> record must include - purpose of the over- <br /> time, number of hours earned, and number of <br /> hours taken by each employee. Forms for <br /> recording this time may be secured from the <br /> = Personnel Department. <br /> Department Heads must assure that the <br /> employeet are permitted to take the time <br /> earned in accordance with this provision. <br /> All compensatory time earned, date forward, <br /> i and not taken within the two pay period <br /> limit will be purged from the record. <br /> 3.5.3 Orange County does not budget for payment <br /> of overtime hours worked. It is our prac- <br /> tice to compensate employees required to <br /> work overtime with time off. Therefore, <br /> only in exceptional circumstances will the <br /> County Manager authorize payment for over- <br /> time hours. Exceptional circumstances, for <br /> purposes related to payment for overtime <br /> hours, must meet the following criteria: <br /> 1. Current compensatory balance for the <br /> department and/or, the employee indicates <br /> that it is unreasonable that time off can <br /> be granted in accordance with the two pay <br /> period; <br />