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ORANGE COUNTY <br />BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS <br />ACTION AGENDA ITEM ABSTRACT <br />Meeting Date: March 13, 2007 <br />Action Agenda <br />Item No. 5- h _ <br />SUBJECT: Agreement Renewal Between Chapel Hill Training and Outreach, Inc. and <br />Health Department for Social Worker II <br />DEPARTMENT: Health PUBLIC HEARING: (Y/N) No <br />ATTACHMENT(S): INFORMATION CONTACT: <br />2007 Renewal Agreement Rosemary Summers, 245-2411 <br />PURPOSE: To consider approving an agreement renewal between Chapel Hill Training <br />Outreach,. Inc. and the Health Department for the support of a Social Worker II position for the <br />Early Head Start Program. <br />BACKGROUND: Since 1999, the Health Department has contracted with Chapel Hill Training <br />and Outreach to provide a Social Worker II to that agency to provide services to Early Head <br />Start children in Chapel Hill. The Health Department provides child service coordination as part <br />of its annual agreement with the North Carolina Division of Public Health. The contract provides <br />for payment for salary, benefits, travel, space, and training costs for a Social Worker II employed <br />by the Health Department to provide child service coordination services to children enrolled in <br />Early Head Start (0-3 year olds). The Social Worker earns some Medicaid revenue that is <br />utilized to defray operational costs of the position and program. This has been one way to <br />coordinate services across agency lines to families that qualify for services. The caseload of the <br />Social Worker is 30 families. Children from 0-3 years of age with development delays receive <br />services from appropriate agencies so that the children can reduce or mitigate the impacts of <br />the delays. Another outcome of the program is to reduce the number of caseworkers assigned <br />to families that qualify for multiple programs (Health Department and Early Head Start). <br />The contract time period does not correspond to the County fiscal year, because the funds to <br />Chapel Hill Training and Outreach are federal funds. Chapel Hill Training and Outreach prefers <br />the contract period to be a calendar year. <br />FINANCIAL IMPACT: The contract pays for all personnel and operating costs associated with <br />the position itself and Medicaid revenues help defray the administrative costs of supporting the <br />position as well as any operating costs not covered by the contract. The contract amount is <br />adjusted annually to reflect any salary or benefit increases. The amount of the 2007 contract is <br />$56,796. <br />RECOMMENDATION(S): The Manager recommends that the Board approve the agreement <br />renewal and authorize the Chair to sign subject to final review by the County Attorney. <br />