Orange County NC Website
4 <br />Sheriff Department <br />7. At its February 6, 2007 meeting, the Board of County Commissioners accepted atwo-year <br />Law Enforcement Electronic Monitory grant totaling $152,085. The intent of the grant is to <br />reduce the number of domestic violence offenders serving active sentences by sentencing <br />them to "house arrest" and electronically monitor them. The department plans to use the <br />grant funds to employee a time limited, full-time equivalent Deputy Sheriff which <br />Commissioners also approved on February 7, 2007. The position is time-limited for one-year <br />with continuation beyond the first year contingent upon extension of grant funding in the <br />second year of the grant. In addition to personnel related costs, grant funds will cover <br />operational, contractual, and technology costs related to domestic violence offender <br />monitoring. In accordance with the grant, Orange County is required to fully fund the <br />program beginning in fiscal year 2009-10. (Attachment 1, column #8) <br />Criminal Justice Partnership (CJPP) <br />8. The North Carolina Department of Corrections has awarded $3,400 to Orange County's <br />Criminal Justice Partnership Program (CJPP). The County will pass the funds to Freedom <br />House. Freedom House plans to purchase technology equipment with the monies. This <br />budget amendment provides for the receipt of these funds for the above stated purpose. <br />(See Attachment 5, Criminal Justice Partnership Program Grant Project Ordinance) <br />FINANCIAL IMPACT: Financial impacts are included in the background information above. <br />RECOMMENDATION (S): The Manager recommends that the Board of County Commissioners <br />approves the attached budget ordinance amendments and grant project ordinances. <br />